Home Health 8 Signs Your Partner Is Going to Ch.e.a.t

8 Signs Your Partner Is Going to Ch.e.a.t

8 Signs Your Partner Is Going to Ch.e.a.t

Relationships can be extraordinarily complex. Combined with the individualistic peccadillos that each and every one of us possesses, precaution is a warranted measure when approaching someone with a (real or imaginary) predilection for infidelity.

In this piece, we present 10 signs of a potential ch.e.a.t.er. As with any behavior, it can be difficult to decipher the intentions behind it. Relatedly, the more “symptoms” that are present, the likelier it is that a real problem exists.

That said, here are 10 signs of a potential c.h.e.a.t.e.r:

1. They’re emotionally distant

For the victim, this is pretty easy to observe but extraordinarily difficult to accept. Emotional detachment from someone you love is like a punch to the heart. Unfortunately, this disconnection is too often a prelude to relationship deterioration. For a potential c.h.e.a.t.e.r, it’s easier to distance oneself emotionally from someone than to confront the real problem. It’s a cowardly act, in many ways.

2. Lack of sex or intimacy

When two people are in love with one another, it is natural for intimacy and/or sex to take place. In the event that the other person shows no interest in either, it may be a sign of infidelity. This is especially true is no prior issues existed in this area. If nothing else, this behavior is indicative of some type of emotional or physical disconnect. Regardless, given the importance of physical connection in a relationship, a serious discussion is in order.

3. Their schedule changes with no good explanation.

Most people have predictable schedules, and even if their schedule changes, there’s usually a reason that makes sense.

That’s especially true if this keeps happening when your partner has no new job, promotion, or project they’re working on.

4. Periods where your significant other is unreachable.

If your partner is c.h.e.a.t.i.n.g on you, they are less likely to answer your calls and respond to your texts. You may hear legitimate-sounding excuses like they were in a meeting, they were driving, they were in a “dead zone” and didn’t know you were trying to get in touch. If your partner is unreachable while working late or on a business trip, that’s a bad sign.

5. Irregular financial habits

If there are odd charges on your partner’s credit cards, or there is suddenly less money in your or your partner’s bank accounts, retirement accounts, investment accounts, etc., that’s a possible sign of infidelity. Infidelity costs money: gifts, trips, wine and dinners, hotel rooms, etc. If you see large cash withdrawals or evidence of purchases from places you rarely or never frequent, that’s not a good sign.

6. Improved appearance.

If your significant other suddenly starts exercising and eating healthier, that could be a sign that they are trying to appear more attractive to someone (possibly you, but possibly an affair partner).

We all want to look our best for various reasons; most commonly, to look respectable and professional. However, an abrupt change in appearance without explanation is uncommon, especially for those who have shown little interest in the past.

7. They ignore your “inner circle”

One telltale sign of a ch.e.a.t.e.r is a sudden disconnect from your circle of friends. It seems strange and may be a forewarning of some relationship problem. For che.a.t.e.r.s, it is much easier and convenient to separate from those close to you than to be upfront about their true feelings. This is even more conspicuous if your other half and social circle were close at one point in time.

8. They guard their phone/computer/etc.

Ch.e.a.t.e.r.s tend to use their phones and computers more frequently than before and to guard them as if their lives depend on it. If your partner’s phone and laptop never required a password before, and now they do, that’s not a good sign. If your partner suddenly starts deleting texts and clearing their browser history on a daily basis, that’s not a good sign. If your partner never relinquishes possession of their phone, even taking it into the bathroom when they shower, that’s not a good sign. If you ask to review your partner’s phone, and they say no, that’s also a problem. Honestly, what could possibly be there — other than information about your surprise birthday — that they would want to keep secret?

Source:mesmerizingwords.com, psychologytoday.com