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8 Signs You May Be Falling out of Love in Your Long Term Relationship

8 Signs You May Be Falling out of Love in Your Long Term Relationship

1. You’re less interested in spending time with them.

You have no interest in spending time with [the person] or resolving conflicts, and being with [them] is unattractive. Simply put, the excitement is gone.

2. You are thinking less and less about them.

When you are falling out of love, you are thinking less and less about your partner. Something important may be fading if you’re constantly forgetting to meet up with your partner, acting like you’re single when your partner isn’t around, or unable to remember or cherish important relationship milestones and rituals.

3. They begin to feel like a burden.

Love often involves wanting to share big life moments with the person, so a clear sign that you are falling out of love is that you are less inclined to share these significant experiences in your life with them. In other words, you are turned off by them.

4. His behavior is increasingly irritating to you.

When your feelings about your partner change, you may also notice that you are being bothered by the little things that previously had no effect on you. Maybe it’s the way they eat, the sounds they make while sleeping or thinking, or other mannerisms that have recently become obvious and annoying.

5. You feel as if you are just going through the motions.

Even if you continue to wake up together and go through your daily rituals, you no longer feel aroused by your partner.

6. you no longer have meaningful conversations.

If you are no longer inclined to have meaningful conversations with your partner, it may mean that your feelings for them are changing.

7. You are no longer fighting.

Moving to a stage of not really talking about anything serious may seem like a relief, but it can also be a sign that you’ve both put up white flags at the idea of being understood by each other.

Source:womansday.com, purewow.com, mindbodygreen.com