Home Health 8 Serious Diseases That Are Signaled By Our Skin

8 Serious Diseases That Are Signaled By Our Skin

8 Serious Diseases That Are Signaled By Our Skin

Your skin is the main indicator that your body may be experiencing some health problems. That doesn’t mean to just pay attention to your acne. It goes way beyond that. People usually ignore when something appears on their skin unless it makes them look “ugly”.

We put together the most common skin problems which can appear if there is something wrong inside your body.

1. Dark spots

Dark spots that suddenly popped up on your skin can be a symptom of adrenal insufficiency or Addison’s disease.

People with this disease can feel pain in the muscles and joints and lose their appetite. They have low blood pressure and low blood sugar. All these symptoms can be extremely dangerous. If you have them, make an appointment with a doctor immediately.

2. White patches

This disease where the skin loses pigmentation is called vitiligo. It develops when the cells called melanocytes are killed by the body’s immune system, causing the area of the skin to turn white.

According to health specialists, vitiligo develops when melanocytes cells are killed by the body’s immune system. If you notice that this is happening to you, make an appointment with an endocrinologist or dermatologist.

3. Rashes

Any sudden rashes on your skin show that there is something wrong with your body. It could be an allergy to food, home chemicals, medical drugs, or even a contagious disease, such as chicken pox.

Regardless what it may be, it’s smart to go to your doctor when you notice a major rash that just isn’t going away. It could lead to something pretty serious like Stevens-Johnson Syndrome or Lyell’s syndrome. If you have Chicken pox as an adult, you need to go to a doctor immediately.

4. Edemas

Some of us get edemas from time to time, but if you get it every day you should go see an endocrinologist because that could be a sign of hypothyroidism. It’s pretty common, but it’s not something that you should joke about.

Hypothyroidism is a condition that happens when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce a sufficient amount of hormones. Some other symptoms include dry skin, face and limb edemas, hair loss, fragile nails and weight gain. If you have these symptoms, go visit a doctor.

5. New Moles On The Skin:

If the number of moles on your skin tend to increase to an uncontrollable extent, then this could be due to excessive ultraviolet exposure or hormone imbalance.

6. Acne, blackheads, clogged pores

We’re all pretty familiar with acne and there are different reasons why we get them. Too much skin oil that clogs facial pores, hormone imbalance or digestion problems. Acne is always a consequence. If you want to get rid of it, use a proper facial skin care and see your doctor for more tips.

7. Flaking.

Why does it happen? It can be due to a vitamin deficiency, a hormone imbalance, an allergic reaction…and a few other diseases. When it’s intense and comes with other symptoms, it can be a sign of a serious disease.

8. Excessive sweating

Excessive sweating could be a result of Graves’ disease. This is an autoimmune disease that affects your thyroid. As a result, the skin becomes thinner and sometimes always itches. If you feel like you have this, go see your doctor as soon as you can!

Source:pint.elyaz.pro, boldsky.com, the-wau.com