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8 Phrases That Can Make Your Partner Lose Interest In You And You Need To Be Careful With

8 Phrases That Can Seriously Harm Your Relationship And You Need To Be Careful With
1. You never did this before

It is stupid to be in a relationship and expecting your partner to stay exactly the same as when you first met them. People change and evolve and it’s not normal not to accept that.

If your partner picks up new habits or develops new tastes, your job is to support him or her, not put your partner down.

2. You always do this

It’s fine to confront your partner about their flaws or any other issues, but doing so with guilt and harsh words won’t help you.

Try to be open to discussion, instead of spending your time telling her it’s all her fault.

3. Don’t be so sensitive

Telling another to ‘calm down’ or not to be ‘unreasonable’ when angry is like telling a black man not to be black anymore.

When somone is angry, their anger is justified and they are then unable to take another point of view. Trying to calm your partner down by attacking them won’t help. Try to understand him and let him know that you understand him.

4. I told you

Nobody likes to be told over and over again that they’re stupid. Even if you’re right most of the time and the other goes on to stupidity after stupidity, try not to shout it from the rooftops. Opt for another choice and another route.

Advise the other person to think before they act, rather than directly telling them that they are stupid and that you warned them. Or, resentment could set in and your understanding of each other falter.

5. Is this the truth?

When you ask your parter this, it can seriously hurt their ego. Sometimes it’s normal to have doubts. But the way you put words to your doubts is essential.

Be careful not to hurt his ego. Try using phrases like, ‘I find it hard to believe such a thing’ and don’t imply that you generally don’t believe it.

6. Are you crazy (crazy)?

If you’re upset, try not to attack the other person’s integrity or self-respect. Phrases like ‘you’re just like your mother’ or ‘you’re so dumb’ can be cause for a breakup. We all get angry, but personal attacks are rarely much help.

7. If you loved me, you would

Emotionally blackmailing someone or making them feel like they are being used is cruel. Don’t play the feelings card as soon as you need something.

Your partner really loves you, but does he or she give up as soon as he or she feels helpless? Face things or help your partner, but don’t question their love for you.

8. I will leave you

This is the surest way to ruin everything. In the heat of the moment, leaving and then coming back may seem like a good idea, but it will only lead your partner to realize that you can leave and you don’t care what happens in your relationship. Whatever you do, never threaten to abandon ship…Or it just might end up sinking once and for all.