Home Funny 8 crazy things people do just because of love. Have you ever...

8 crazy things people do just because of love. Have you ever done any of them?

Love is a magical and exciting feeling that combines the sudden rush of hormones and partial deactivation of the brain to make you feel you are literally flying without wings in a fantasy paradise.

This feeling tends to push us to do things that we would ordinarily see as illogical and unacceptable if were not under the influence. Sometimes the hormones are stronger, the brain is on complete shutdown to the extent we do completely crazy things all in the name of love. Let’s check out 9 of those crazy things

1. You wake up and go to sleep thinking about someone else.

This is strange at first. Rather than thinking about everything you did that day, you’ll think about everything someone else did that day. You want to go over every moment you shared with them, rather than worrying about the things you usually do.?

2. You smile at your phone while you’re alone in public.

Every text they sent you lights up your day and you can’t help but smile. Unfortunately you look like the crazy person smiling at your phone in public, but who really cares??

3. You suddenly care about your appearance way too much.

This is more of an “initial falling in love” thing. At first you want to impress them every single time you’re with them. This means changing your outfit 20 times before going out and re-doing your liquid eye liner over and over. (don’t worry this goes away after awhile of dating)?

4. You creep the other person HARD on social media.

You go into some weird stalker mode where you creep pictures you’ve already seen a million times. Maybe it’s because you just love to look at them, or maybe it’s because you are actually super creepy. Either way it happens, but you should be careful because if you creep them enough, it’ll be the page that automatically opens up when using the app!??

5. You laugh at everything…too much.

When you love someone and want them to know, you make an effort to show that you are into them. One way of doing this is laughing at their jokes, whether they are funny or not. This can get excessive, and we’ve all experienced it. ?

6. Spend All Your Savings On Your Crush ( Including School Fees)

This one is almost becoming normal lol. Someone falls in love and begins to feel the irresistible urge to impress their love interest, to the extent they exhaust all their savings and go broke just to do that. Students in the University spend their school feels back to back in a bid to tend to the needs of their boyfriend/girlfriend. If that is not crazy then give it another name? Oh Sorry, love!

7. Drive At Midnight Just To Go Meet Your Crush

If there is one thing that can make you drive at Midnight apart from getting stuck in traffic, it’s love. For some people, all it takes is getting a call from their crush at midnight claiming distress and boom! They are off, not minding the time. If you run into trouble on the way, what will you tell everyone?

8. Turn Against Family And Friends

This happens when one falls in love but his or her family and friends refuse to fall with them. Instead of finding a way to sort things out or at least listen and understand the family/friends side of the argument, they turn against everyone and go off with their partner. When the love fades they come back looking like biblical prodigal son.

Reference: narcity.com