We tend to talk a lot about the down sides and frustrations of being single, but we don’t often take a minute to appreciate the good things about being single. Rolling solo does have several advantages. If you’ve been lamenting your single status, here are some of the unexpected benefits you should be thankful for.
1. You have more time to discover who you are and improve yourself.
Being single gives you the freedom to explore life more. You can move from one place to another, change careers, meet new people, and try new hobbies. You will not have the same degree of liberty if you are bound in a relationship because your partner would not be in favor of your decisions all the time. Use this time to discover yourself and your potentials.
2. You can fully focus on your goals and passions.
First and foremost, being single frees up your mind and creates space to figure out your goals and passions. Couples have arguments and fights, and they often think about it at work or college. When you’re single, you can solely focus on your goals and passions. Your goals will be clear to you, and you’ll be able to work towards a fulfilling future.
3. You don’t have to share everything.
Being in a couple can be great, but it involves sharing your entire life and that gets exhausting. You have to share your bed, your food, your time, and your Netflix account. When you’re single, you can be a little bit selfish and not feel bad about it.
4. You’ll stress less about money and can save more.
Dating isn’t cheap, and it is an undeniable fact. In a relationship, you try to impress your significant one by keeping date night fresh and arranging expensive dinners. When you’re single, you tend to score a bigger paycheck, save a lot of dough, and avoid debts. There will be no surprises, anniversaries, or month series to think of. Hence, you’ll be free to buy things you want, take yourself on vacations, and invest in your future.
5. You will have plenty of time for your friends and family.
Another reason people love being single is that single life helps reconnect with family and friends you may have been neglecting. You’ll have much more time for your friends, family, and older relatives. When you’re in a relationship, your world likely revolves around your partner, and you often forget your family and social time. Fortunately, single life allows you to build better family relationships and richer friendships.
6. You can put yourself first in every way.
No matter what aspect of yourself you’re working on, you can accomplish it when you’re single because you have all the time and focus you need to get there.
7. You’ll have the freedom to do what you want.
One of the best perks of being single is that your schedule will be entirely your own. You will be able to decide every moment of your schedule without considering others. Hence, you can spend your time wherever you want, and no one will take your freedom away. Also, you won’t owe someone an explanation, like why you want to go to bed late. It means you can relax into cherishing your single life.