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7 tips to get the respect in a relationship that you should get

7 tips to get the respect in a relationship that you should get
1. Give love but never give power

Always keep in mind that love is more powerful than anything else. While you can give your partner everything they could ever ask for, if they don’t show any appreciation for your love then it means that you are giving your power away.

2. Always be mindful to keep a balance

You can be generous with love but you should never put up with your partner’s bad behaviour. You need to make sure that you stand up for yourself and your needs and tell them what they need to do differently. This will help you gain their respect.

3. Set boundaries

You and your partner must set boundaries within the relationship. For example, if one partner wants to spend all day at work while the other wants to go shopping, this needs to be discussed beforehand. If you know what you want, and can agree on what you want, it will be easier to achieve and set boundaries.

4. Respect yourself so that others can respect you

Respect yourself first. That’s because without self respect, you may not get respect in a relationship. Self knowledge and radical self acceptance lead to more self respect.

5. Know yourself and your needs

When you know your good side and you know you’re not so good at something, you will understand how others see you. If you know what you want out of life, you’ll find ways to get those things. So, learn to identify your strengths and weaknesses and use these to your advantage. This will help you attract respect in a relationship.

6. Accept your partner, accept yourself

We shouldn’t expect perfection from someone else because we all come with our flaws and imperfections. We should try to accept ourselves as well as our partners. Create a safe space to talk about your problems, and you should definitely listen to them.

7. Do not be quiet if disrespected

Never let anyone disrespect you when you’re in a relationship. If you’re treated badly, you should speak up. You should never allow yourself to be belittled, especially if you’re not in the wrong. If you keep quiet, you’re only encouraging this behaviour and losing your respect in the relationship.