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7 things that happen to you when you date or are in love with a married man

7 things that happen to you when you date or are in love with a married man

1. You’ll never be the first priority

He still has a wife and a family. While he might tell you that he doesn’t love his wife anymore, he still has kids. Those kids are his main priority, especially if they’re young. He has commitments to his family that are always going to be above you.

2. He’s probably not going to leave his wife

No many married men leave their wives for the girl they’re having an αffαír with. And the brutal truth is this. You’re not likely to be an exception to the rule.

Divorce is a big deal. It’s a mess. And if he has kids then their emotional wellbeing is the main priority.

3. You are destroying a family

If the wife gets wind of what’s going on between you and your husband, then that might be the end of their marriage.

The wife and kids will most likely blame you for destroying their marriage. This will hurt tremendously, almost like an attack on your character and worth as a human being.

No matter who you are, this is bound to get to you.

4. He won’t support you when you need it

This married man probably doesn’t have the capability to support you wholeheartedly when he has kids and a wife to look after.

He can’t always be there for you. He probably only sees you sporadically as it is

5. You’re short-term

As long as you’re considered an “αffαír” then I’m sorry to say but it probably won’t last long.

And the real kicker?

The longer the affair goes on, the less likely he will bite the bullet and divorce his wife to be with you.

6. Hiding is exhausting.

Having to keep your relationship a secret can attack your self-esteem and cause you to miss out on one of the wonderful aspects of a relationship.

7. You’ll be waiting around for a long time

Whether he decides to leave his wife for you or not is not the point; the point is whether or not you want to wait around to find out.

There are seven billion people on the planet. Is this guy really worth waiting for? What about his ethics and morals? He’s chєαtíng on his wife? What’s to stop him from doing the same thing to you?