Home relationship 7 subtle signs your partner has stopped enjoying s3x with you

7 subtle signs your partner has stopped enjoying s3x with you

7 subtle signs your partner has stopped enjoying s3x with you
1. They hardly talk about it at all

If your partner wants to have “that” with you or feel like they’re on top of the world when they are doing it with you, they they’ll surely talk dirty and raise the s3x-tempo. However, if they seem dismissed and disinterested to do the same, they’re not really up for it anytime soon.

2. They’re asleep before you

It’s clear that they are trying to avoid you and any form of s3xual intimacy with you.

3. They make up excuses to avoid it

Sometimes saying no to s3x is a natural thing, but making up excuses every time you initiate it is definitely a sign that they aren’t enjoying s3x with you. Even if they don’t do it regularly, you can surely make out a difference between a real and a pretentious excuse.

4. They don’t initiate it anymore

If you feel you’re the only one who is interested in keeping your s3x-life alive, then maybe there’s actually a problem.

5. Every time you bring up the topic, your partner changes the subject

It means they aren’t enjoying s3x with you is that they avoid or try and change the topic of s3x whenever you bring it up.

6. S3x, on their part, seems like an obligation now

Do you feel there is an air of obligation in the room when you’re having s3x with your partner? Do they act as though they are just doing it for the same of making you happy? Then it is clear that they are not enjoying it rather are feeling forced to do it, which surely isn’t enjoyable, is it?