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7 Physical Signs He Wants to Kiss You And Wants To sℓεερ With You

7 Physical Signs He Wants to Kiss You And Wants To sℓεερ With You

So before you do anything else, pay close attention to these physical signs that he wants to kiss you.

1. Flirting usually gives him away.

He tries to impress you with random flirty phrases or compliments, which is usually how men do it. He will compliment you on your physical attributes rather than your personality.

2. He is constantly trying to get closer to you

He tries to sit or stand near you whenever he can. He moves closer to you so you can hear each other better when you talk. If he’s particularly flirty, he may even whisper in your ear!

In addition to trying to get into your personal space, he may be very open and try to get you into his personal space as well.

3. He tries to touch you…every chance he gets.

He will try to get close to you and into your personal space so that he has the opportunity to break the touch barrier. He may end up “accidentally” rubbing his legs against yours, especially if you are sitting next to each other. He may also look for opportunities to wrap his arm around you or rub your shoulder.

4. His eyes will tell you that he wants to kiss you.

He tries to stare at you to flirt with you all the time. He will also constantly stare at you, moving his gaze from your eyes to your lips, down much further, before meeting your eyes again. And he’ll wear a mischievous look the whole time. More or less, he will also try to flirt with his eyes.

5. He notices the little things

He notices and comments on things like your perfume, your shoes and the color of your nails, you are his top priority tonight.

6. He licks his lips

When men want to kiss you, they imagine that they do and lick their lips. Another one of the great reasons behind this could also be that he is just giving you an undeniable sign that he wants to kiss you.

7. He suddenly offers you a massage

He wants to have an intimate touch. He probably wants something more than just a massage. While a massage may just be part of his overall plan to be more tactile with you, it may also already serve as a way to seduce you directly into sleeping with him.