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10 Signs you are not compatible with your partner no matter how much you love him

10 Obvious Signs You Are Not Compatible With Your Partner

1. The Future you imagine tend to be different.

If you and your lover share different set of core values on marriage, having kids and other personal goals, it can be a red flag for your relationship. It shows you both imagine different futures and want different things from life. Personal values and ethics are non-negotiable for most of the individuals and compromising on these might never bring fulfillment and happiness in your relationship.

2. You can’t share things with your partner.

When you find yourself not bothering to share things about yourself and experiences, with your partner because you know they are not listening or won’t take you seriously, it’s a sign you are not compatible with each other. I don’t advocate for partners to pretend to be listening just to please their other half because you can’t keep up for so long. Sooner or later, your partner will find out you are not interested in their conversations after all.

3. You fight the wrong way.

It is normal for every couple to argue or fight and the way both the partners solve the issue determines how compatible they are together. If one or both of you prefer to sweep the issue under the carpet and pretend like nothing happened or keep on bickering on the same issues, it indicates you both are struggling to resolve the problems from the root. This can also be counted as a sign of incompatibility.

5. You are not yourself

Somehow, you have been dating your lover since quite some time and you are hesitant to be yourself in front of him/her. You are struggling to strike a rapport and develop a good understanding level. Well, when you are truly compatible with your lover, you do not shy away from expressing your true emotions.

6. Your partner does not value your needs.

Whether emotional or sexual, your partner does not value your needs. He/she takes you for granted and you are the only one who puts most of the efforts to keep the relationship afloat. Not just this, you feel disrespected at times and your partner is unapologetic about it. Do we really need to specify what all these signs indicate?

7. Your partner is never on your side.

Take note if your partner is quick to take everyone else’s side, or seems to enjoy playing the devil’s advocate. It’s not a good feeling when they aren’t, and it’s likely not something you’ll want to deal with long-term.

8. You feel more insecure than not.

A healthy relationship will leave you feeling secure and content, not worried or suspicious. The right person will give you the exact level of attention you need and vice versa so neither of you ever feel troubled.

9. You and your partner Have Significantly Different S*x Drives.

It’s unrealistic to expect that you and your partner will want to have sex the same amount of times, every single time, over the course of your entire relationship. That being said, if you find you or your partner don’t want to initiate s*x very often or at all, that’s worth discussing. More than just a sign of incompatibility, it can also be indicative of something greater at play. Emotional connections to s*x, lack of intimacy

10. Your gut feeling

Regardless of whether you fight with your partner or not, you feel something is off in your relationship. You know deep down this relationship is meant for you and the best thing you can do is to trust your gut feeling.

Source:ng.opera.news, relationshipculture.com, elcrema.com, timesofindia.indiatimes.com