Home relationship 7 characteristics that a man want from his ultimate dream woman

7 characteristics that a man want from his ultimate dream woman

Everyone wants to find their perfect match but no one knows which characteristics does it include. And it’s true that every person is different and has different preferences, but here we have some general rules that would help you to win any man. First of all, have fun with him, be genuine, be able to laugh, and show that you can be a true partner. All of these traits will create the one and only he is looking for.

1. Natural Beauty

Actually, every man likes a woman without makeup or not that much makeup. In a way, it is understandable, because no one wants to date a clown. Men like natural, unobtrusive beauty. If you are one of those people who love to do makeup, make sure that your makeup discreetly emphasizes your best features and make you look more attractive yet natural. The woman, who does not always wear make-up, gives a clear signal to a man that she likes and accepts herself the way she is which is a part of the confidence men admire in women.

2. Character

Men love to see someone who is confident and has her own personality. Ladies who do not change their ideas every 2 seconds and stick to their own ideas and beliefs. Someone who is beautiful inside and out. Someone who brings the best in people. Someone who is friendly, humble and also has a great sense of humor. A girl they can feel comfortable being around and someone who makes it so easy to talk to. Movies and series might be the ones to blame for this preference but that is what they like.

3. Opinionated

Men are very fond of ambitious, initiative women who are not afraid to say what they think. The women, who have no opinion of their own, can only affirm and say yes to everything and amen, become bored. In the relationship, the rule should be “fifty-fifty”, i.e. one side gives as much as others, so the woman should not be afraid to take initiative from time to time. Of course, greatly single-minded and stubborn women are not that much attractive either. Too much of anything can make people sick.

4. Respect

Now, this level of understanding might be about anything but firstly we are going to talk about when she knows that you have your own friends and family and she respects that! She gives you all the time you need to spend with your family and friends. Even if you ask her to join, she will tell you that you need your time with them. Maybe next time. This type of girl is known as the coolest girlfriends and the woman that every man dreams of having. So respect can be the key to your love’s heart.

5. Be an interesting person

No man wants to spend time with a person who is constantly complaining about their lives or other people. If you are a woman, find a hobby or search for the true life passions that will make you happy. The men admire intelligent women who can talk about what fascinates them in life for hours. Certainly, the relationship with such a woman will not be boring. Intelligence is one of the most common traits that men are drawn to. Women who have something to say about every topic, someone who knows how to handle many things are the hottest.

6. Sense of humor

The sense of humor is something that works everywhere with everyone. That’s a rule that should apply to everyone, not just women. A smiling person with a sense of humor who laughs at the odds of fate is always exceptionally attractive, regardless of the gender. A pleasant, friendly and optimistic woman enchants every man and makes him lose his mind for her. When we say someone is cool, we all think of a person who is funny and know how to make others laugh. They even know how to laugh at themselves and their stupid actions! A girl who knows how to make you laugh can turn your life into the most beautiful one you have ever been living.

7. Great listener

Girls DO NOT LISTEN! Well, mostly. They talk, nag, complain but they do not listen much. They expect you to listen to every single word they say, but they mostly do not return the favor. Some, however, do! She makes sure that you know she will be there for you when you need someone to talk to no matter what and that she will give you the best pieces of advice when you ask her for it! These types of girls are keepers!

Source: dazzling.news