Home relationship 7 Bitter Secrets Women Would Never Tell Their Husbands

7 Bitter Secrets Women Would Never Tell Their Husbands

7 Bitter Secrets Women Would Never Tell Their Husbands

1. My past relationships

Even radical honesty leaves little room for secrets. So if the answer is not – the only one, then it is best to keep such data to yourself.

What matters is that She is a devoted and loving wife, and my past no longer impacts my present.

2. I compare her with my ex

She really loves and respects my husband but sometimes she ends up comparing him to my ex-boyfriend. She knows that it is not healthy for her marriage and that no one is perfect.

3. She pretends that I love his parents.

The reality is that she has accepted the fact that his in-laws would never treat me like their own daughter and even she cannot love and care for them the same way I care for his parents.

4. I regret that I gave up my career!

She gave up my career to take care of the children and manage our home well. She expects a little appreciation. She has never appreciated her hard work, not once. She feels she is doing a thankless job and regrets giving up my career.

5. I cry because of her much more often than you can imagine

We often argue and her husband takes her side, even though she is completely wrong. Sometimes she secretly cries because she feels like an outsider in her own family.

6. I know all about her little weaknesses

Most men think they are very clever and hide their sins so well that not even God can see them. But ladies easily find their ρσяи records or the porn sites they visit. It may seem to you that the man can’t even hide his thoughts and desires from your keen eyes. It’s not always wise to let him see you so much!

7. Our sєх life is not that great

Your husband devotes minimal time to foreplay and she feels that they don’t share a good sexual compatibility. She is waiting for the right opportunity to tell him that sєх is not just about his pleasure.”
