Home Health 7 Best Foods For A Healthy Breakfast To Regulate Blood Sugar

7 Best Foods For A Healthy Breakfast To Regulate Blood Sugar

Monitoring and tracking your blood glucose levels can feel challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. One of the best ways to avoid blood sugar spikes is to tweak your diet and lifestyle, and a healthy breakfast is a significant part of that.

The best choices for a healthy breakfast for all age groups, for children, for those suffering from certain diseases, but also for those who like the tradition of cooking.

1. Homemade yogurt, oats, flax seeds, forest fruits, 1 spoon of honey, a little cinnamon. This breakfast is suitable for all those who want to control their weight and metabolism of fats and blood sugar.

2. A piece of cake with olive oil, 1 glass of milk. This choice serves to get quick calories, it is the most suitable breakfast for those who want to gain weight as well as for children with “naze”.

3. Rye bread, peanut or sesame butter, milk, 1 apple. Breakfast suitable for children and adults, rich in protein, fiber and magnesium.

4. Cookies with oats, pumpkin seeds, dried fruit, honey, cinnamon, 1 glass of goat’s milk. Breakfast deal for children who have a load at school.

5. Yogurt, avocado, cucumber, chia seeds and quinoa. Breakfast suitable to get energy and nutritional value in a small amount of food. Ideal for those suffering from heart disease and hypertension.

6. Two slices of rye bread, 1 boiled egg, tomatoes, green salad and yogurt sauce, cottage cheese, avocado, dill. The ideal breakfast for children and adults who engage in physical activity.

7. Juice from two squeezed beets, 1 celery, half a lemon, some ginger and 3 spinach leaves, all squeezed with Hurom, adding 1 cup of yogurt with almonds and flax seeds. Breakfast suitable for those suffering from hypertension.