Home Moral Stories 6 ways only a RIGHT partner will love you

6 ways only a RIGHT partner will love you

6 ways only a RIGHT partner will love you

1. They will love you without condition.

Real love comes without any expectations. You don’t have anything to prove, nothing to win. Yes, at the beginning of a love affair, you’re trying to entice and impress each other, but as time goes on there’s no need to perform in order to make love last.

2. They will listen — really listen.

Real listening means that you throw your own agenda out the window and really absorb what the person is saying, without judgment. It’s not always easy to do, but truly loving someone means being able to be there for them through thick and thin, and being a good, empathetic confidant.

3. They will give you space.

At the beginning of a relationship, it’s normal to be inseparable, to want to do every last thing together. But there comes a point where each partner needs some space. When and how this happens varies from person to person and one relationship to another.

But since real love means letting your partner be his or herself, you need to respect your partner’s need for independence and the autonomy to sometimes do things without you.

4. They will fight for you.

When you’re having a down-and-out day, your partner will be the first one to remind you how incredibly awesome you are. Your partner will be your biggest defender against conflicts with others. They will remind you of the strength you forgot you had, and give you the fighting words when you’re too upset to find them yourself.

5. They will hang on during the storms.

Conflicts in relationships are natural, but when left to fester they can destroy relationships. Fighting is normal, and healthy. Fights are opportunities to work through stuff. But someone who truly loves you will never stay angry. He or she will work through the anger to get to the other side — that other side being a deeper understanding and mutual respect.

6. They will make you feel safe.

It goes without saying that a partner who’s physically or verbally abusive needs to be kicked to the curb. But all partners should give you a sense of safety. Usually it’s a pretty intuitive thing. You just know when you can trust someone, and this is solidified when they demonstrate that trust to you throughout the relationship.