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6 Undeniable Signs That Your Guy Is Putting Serious Efforts So You Won’t Leave Him

6 Signs That The Guy is Putting Serious Efforts So You Won’t Leave Him

Image source: Vecteezy


1. He makes you comfortable again when you lose hope

He is hell bent on achieving you and pretty serious about you. So, he makes indefatigable efforts to make you comfortable and look at the brighter side again. He knows that you don’t lose when you don’t achieve, you lose when you lose all hopes to achieve.

2. He makes plans for your future together

He doesn’t shy away from making plans. He makes life plans and shows serious concerns to make them come true. No matter what happens, in his mind there is a clear image about your honeymoon is going to look already.

3. Shows affection like couples do

Does he often hold your hand or kiss you on the forehead? These are forms of affection that are seen as more intimate (by both men and women), and tend to be more closely associated with committed relationships rather than friends with benefits or people very early in the dating phase.

If he does show you affection in this way, then he is comfortable with the idea of being seen as a boyfriend.

Double the points if he does it in public settings or around people he knows.

4. He lets you be, you

Every distance seems small like a grasshopper before compatibility. If you two are compatible, there’s nothing that will make things crumble. He knows that you need breathing space too, so makes no effort to change you and loves you as the person you are.

5. He is transparent and honest with you

A very good sign a guy wants a serious relationship is if he’s open and transparent about his day-to-day life, and doesn’t try to seem mysterious and keep you guessing what he might be up to.

You generally have a good idea of his daily routine, and what he’s doing at any given time of day. You know this not because you ask him, but because he voluntarily shares what he’s up to as a way to connect with you. Things such as sharing random photos of his failed cooking, or of funny things going on around him.

Not only that, but the stories he says and explanations he gives always turn out to be true. You never feel lied to, or that he’s trying to impress you. He truly is the person he says he is.

6. He asks and listens to your advice

Guys don’t have all the answers, and when confronted with trickier life situations they will often ask the people around them for advice so they can make better decisions.

If he is actively seeking your advice, this means he sees you both as an equal, and as a person sufficiently invested in his life that they can contribute meaningfully.

Source: youngisthan.in, hastyreader.com