Home Health 6 Type Of Woman Men Don’t Want To Marry.

6 Type Of Woman Men Don’t Want To Marry.

6 Type Of Woman Men Don’t Want To Marry.

Women often spend time wondering what type of women men want to marry, but have you ever considered the type of woman men don’t want to marry?

Here’s some of the most common personality types that send many men running for the door!

The Asphyxiator

She has no life outside of her man and expects him to feel the same. She’s dropped all of her friends and no longer engages in any hobbies that are not shared.

She often nags when her partner wants to spend time with his friends, in most cases that equals any amount of time that doesn’t include her. She’s extremely clingy and needy.

“Daddy Issues” Lady

This woman usually dates older men and deep down is looking for a father figure, not a boyfriend or husband.

She’s looking for a man to solve all of her problems, and she’ll resent him if he can’t wipe away all of her tears and kiss away all of her boo-boos. She’s the one who expects the same standard of material indulgence that daddy used to lavish on her. This variation of “daddy issues” lady is emotionally immature and spoiled.

She could also be the type who had a poor or a non-existent relationship with her father so she’s constantly seeking attention outside the relationship to fill a void.

The Baggage Lady

She’s still carrying baggage from previous relationships, she often starts sentences with, “My last boyfriend/husband.” She’s driven by fear and unresolved anger.

The Gossip Girl

She loves to gossip and talk about other people and she loves to hear things about other people as well. Initially when a guy meets her, he might be entertained by her anecdotes but eventually, he begins to wonder what she is saying behind his back.

Mommy’s Little Darling

This woman has her mother on speed dial and can’t seem to make a decision or do anything without getting her opinion. When a guy first meets her, he thinks it’s nice that she is so close to her family, but soon, he finds it to be way too much. A man just doesn’t want to have to ask her mother’s permission about things in his life.

The Control Freak

She comes off like a mother figure, she’s emasculating and treats her man like an improvement project.

Often, women like this have co-dependent relationships with their mothers, or they were raised by narcissistic mothers who punished their daughter’s attempts at personal individuality.

Source: mesmerizingwords.com, huffpost.com