Home Tricks-Tips 6 tips for cleaning tile joints

6 tips for cleaning tile joints

Succulent dishes, poses with friends under a subdued light, it happens in the kitchen, who does not like these small pleasant moments? Yet it is the ground that takes the hit! Mirror of the kitchen, it absorbs all the residues of food, steam, odors and we pass and mop it too… Let’s face it, it’s not always enough! We give you the winning combination: cooking is good, making the tiles shine with these grandmother tricks is better. We tell you more…
How to clean tile joints?

Kitchen chore but no cleaning, you can’t stand doing both, we know it… It will be history with our tips!

1. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

As active as each other, these two components combine pleasantly to clean the tiles and joints ingeniously. With a correct amount, not necessarily generous, just mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda and a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide until you get a paste and voila!

How do we do that?

You have the dough in a container on one side, an old brush on another, yes an old toothbrush does the trick!
Soak the brush with this paste and rub the tile joints, you will remove the sorrow and not only the stains, our promise!
Lightly iron a wet cloth over the entire surface.

2. White vinegar and Marseille soap

We hear about the effectiveness of white vinegar or Marseille soap in cleaning floors, but what about making a mixture. What is certain is that the result will be impeccable.

How do we do that?

It’s simple, mix a quarter glass of liquid Marseille soap with a half glass of white vinegar,
Leave this juice on the stained areas for 5 minutes,
All you have to do is rinse.

3. Baking Soda

The trick is not so difficult, it is enough to be provided with baking soda, a container of water, and a chamois skin.

How do we do that?

Dip a clean sponge into the dough that you are now accustomed to form with baking soda and water
Wipe with strong elbow the wall tile, insisting on the tile joints.
Then, run a sponge wet with warm water soaked with a few drops of detergent and then rinse with clear water.
Do not forget to wipe with a dry chamois skin for a matte finish without traces.

4. Baking soda and white vinegar

And yes, it keeps coming back, the famous baking soda in question. Due to its abrasive nature, it stands up to dirt and mold.

How do we do that?

You guessed it, just form a baking soda paste with a little water and spread it on the tile and joints.
Then spray the white vinegar and let the foam act.
Then rub with a brush.
Gloves will be useful for this little DIY!
The boxes are all checked: neutral smell, attacked bacteria, diluted fat, descaled impurities, the total!

5. Black soap

With its foamy and soft property, black soap is now recommended for cleaning wall tiles. The idea is to wash the wall like you do the dishes. The savings are there and the shine too.

How do we do that?

Soak a sponge with a few drops of liquid black soap,
Rub the tiles and joints too.
Rinse with water and wipe.

6. Lemon juice

It smells good, invites to freshness, cleanliness, neutralization of space, lemon juice is a must of grandmother’s tricks.

As you know, with its concentration of citric acid, lemon juice dilutes the layer of fat that forms on the wall tile with the succession of steam. We propose to keep this mixture for use in the cleaning of the worktop after each use. Continuous cleaning clears deep cleaning…