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6 Things You Will Only See In A Man Who Is Willing To And Ready To Be With You, Settle Down And Love You forever

6 Things You Will Only See In A Man Who Is Willing To And Ready To Be With you, Settle Down And Love You forever
1. He pays attention to how you feel

A man who desires to stick with you will always pay attention to how you feel. If he observes something isn’t right, he would try to address the problem quickly.

2. He is fully committed to your relationship

A real man will fight for your relationship, that if you are also willing to fight. Being there throughout the good times is easy. It’s when the going gets tough that it’s important that you both stick together. They understand how important their relationship is, and won’t let anything at all get in the way of persevering.

3. He takes notes of the things that matter to you

A man who would never stop loving you will pay attention to the things that matter to you. Paying attention to the little things is a sign that shows he cares.

4. He doesn’t avoid problems

Relationships aren’t always easy. Anytime two people choose to blend their lives together and become a couple things can get a little complicated. He doesn’t bottle up his feelings until he explodes. If something is bothering him within the relationship, he brings it up carefully and respectfully. He is comfortable talking through the issues he’s been having and will make a genuine effort to fix any underlying issue that’s been plaguing the relationship. No problem is too big and you can overcome it together. Things aren’t always going to be like fairytale like, but he’s still your idea of prince charming

5. He doesn’t judge you when you make mistakes

A man who will always love you would never expect you to be perfect. He understands no one is perfect and won’t judge you when you make mistakes.

6. He is not afraid to apologise

While some guys will avoid apologising and instead choose to blow it off and pretend like nothing happened, simply moving on from it. This guy is not like that. If he screwed up, he will go out of his way to make it up to you. He’s the type to give a sincere apology. If he knows he hurt you in any way it will completely destroy him, to the point that he will be pulling out all the stops to make sure you forgive him.