Home Life 6 things that make your relationship come to an end faster than...

6 things that make your relationship come to an end faster than your being chєαtєd

6 things that make your relationship come to an end faster than your being chєαtєd

1. Feeling of indifference

Make sure you ask your partner the reasons if you feel that he/she is not responding or acknowledging your affection. Being distant towards a partner is a sign there is something wrong in the relationship. If you are on the other side, feeling irritated every time your partner tries to show their love for you, there might be something wrong with your relationship.

2. Lying

This is a clear sign that the relationship is not on a good path. Lying is not an impulsive behavior. It is actually a habit that becomes worse over time. If your partner lies even about insignificant things, he might also lie about more serious issues that affect you. Confront them the moment you catch them lying to you.

3. Repressing anger

If you or your partner repress anger or frustration on each other, you should be worried. Both partners should be equally honest and straightforward about their emotions, and suppressing those emotions will always cause a big problem.

4. Constant arguments over insignificant things

As a normal part of every relationship, but if having arguments becomes part of your everyday life, there is something you might have overlooked about your relationship. This kind of communication will kill of the romantic vibe and make you become more distant from each other.

5. Being in a relationship just for the sake of it

Being with someone you are not happy with is much worse than being single. If you want to be with your partner just to avoid being single, you don’t love them. Your relationship is only as a life-vest that can prevent you from drowning in your own fear of being alone. But, that doesn’t mean there isn’t someone out there who is right for you.

6. Being overly clingy and demanding

This behavior is a big turnoff because it makes you look desperate and needy. Everyone wants their own time and space, so make sure you allow your partner to breathe every once in a while.