Home Life 6 Things A Man Shows When He Is Sweetly In Love

6 Things A Man Shows When He Is Sweetly In Love

6 Things A Man Shows When He Is Sweetly In Love

When love is in the air, it shows. Even though we might try to hide how we are feeling, our body gives clear signals that we are in love. Below we list 8 signs that show you a man is in love. If you can see five of these signs, you’ll know that he has strong feelings for you … but if you see all 8, then you can be sure that he loves you!

1. With you, he’s happily unhappy

Even after a tough day where everything seemed to go wrong, seeing you tugs a smile from his tired face. Though having you there doesn’t fix troubles at work, he can’t be as upset with you by his side. He doesn’t put on a false face when he’s upset, but he lets you know that you make him happy, even when he’s frustrated.

2. You’re his priority

It’s cute how he gets flustered if you say you might be coming down with a cold, because he wants you to be healthy. Your well-being and happiness come first in his eyes. If he loves you, he’ll be aware of what happens in your life, and won’t hesitate to help you with whatever you need.

3. To him, you have two good sides

Knowing that you aren’t perfect only gives him a reason to love you more. He sees your strengths and thinks the world of you. Even when you are self-conscious about a “flaw,” he sees it as a virtue. He’ll want to highlight your positives and wants you to see yourself how he see you.

4. He’s focused — on you

No matter who’s around, his attention is on you. He listens carefully to what you have to say, and looks into your eyes every time you talk.

5. His eyes don’t lie

He may not be saying “I love you,” but his eyes don’t lie. His eyes light up and even sparkle a little bit when he sees you, and you catch him glancing your way when he thinks you aren’t looking.

6. You’re on his clock

Part of loving someone is spending time with him or her. Even if he has just a few minutes to spare, he’ll give priority to you. He’ll find ways to spend time with you and still get things done; going on study dates, grabbing a quick lunch with you on his break, or even running errands with you.