Home Life 6 sure signs that your man is totally trustworthy

6 sure signs that your man is totally trustworthy

Trust is integral in a romantic relationship and there is not a single relationship that is meant to last if both parties do not trust one another. Once trust is broken, it takes a lot of time and effort to be rebuilt again, and in some cases, it is even impossible. When the man you love and hold dear to your heart breaks your trust, you lose faith in him and the relationship and you may question if you have been too naïve that he can fool you so easily. Luckily, there are many clear signs that help you decide if he is a trustworthy person or not. They are

1. He doesn’t hide his phone from you

Respecting everyone’s privacy is essential. If you are not making sure to respect someone’s privacy, then you probably are not letting yourself trust someone, to begin with. Don’t ever go snooping around checking his messages or calls. With that being said, if your man loses it the minute, you grab his phone if he gets defensive and asks you never touch his cell phone then read it as a red flag. If he always makes an excuse when you ask to borrow his phone something, if he still does something or the other to makes sure you can’t get your hands on it, and if you do he can have it back as soon as possible, then something is not right. He’s keeping you in the dark about something, and you need to think about trusting you too well.

2. He doesn’t avoid talking on the phone around you

Its okay if he has to go walk to a corner to take a call. But, if he is never ever talking on the phone when you’re with him, prefers to miss a call than take it and talk while you’re there if he’s doing things not to let you hear the things he says on the phone, he’s trying to hide something from you. Your boyfriend or husband should be okay with you having his phone in your hands, he shouldn’t straight up get alarmed if he has to talk on the phone in front of you. A trustworthy man will not be in the habit of avoiding phone calls around you.

3. His friends and family know about you

He doesn’t treat his relationship with you like it’s a secret. People around him know about you. You’ve met his friends and family. He’s proud of having you around him at dinners, weddings, parties, etc. etc.

4. He acknowledges you on social media

He acknowledges you on social media. His social media doesn’t suggest that you don’t exist. He replies to your comments, he puts up pictures with you, etc. etc. This may sound like a minor thing, but if his social media has no sign of you being a part his life while he’s an active social media user, he’s probably trying to come off as available or single to the world. That should tell you he isn’t honest.

5. He isn’t constantly flirting with other girls

Its okay for your man to be overly friendly with other women but a trustworthy man isn’t always pouncing at the first chance he gets to talk and flirt with a woman. The man you trust should be focused on you, instead of looking for other girls to woo.

6. He gives an explanation when he should

A trustworthy man who sensitive, considerate, respectful and worth your trust, he doesn’t run from explaining things. He doesn’t pick a fight and get defensive when its time for him to clarify something. On the contrary, he is eager to explain things and do away with any misunderstandings. He doesn’t behave in a way that suggests he’s trying to hide something from you.

Reference: healthylifestyle365.net