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6 Signs That Shows A Man Is Dαngєrσusly Obsessed With You: It’s NOT Love

There is the healthy obsession and of course, there is the totally scary one. If you find yourself in a relationship you have no rest of mind in because you sense you are being stalked, why not find out.

Below are some ways to know.

1. He spies on you every time

You may get the feeling you are being watched every time you go out the door or you may be aware that he has posted pictures or sent photos of you when you were not aware of his presence. Most stalkers are voyeurs, but if you catch them doing something like watching you from his parked car near your house, he will tell you that it is just a coincidence.

2. He’s clingy and needy

You find he’s always hanging around even when you hint (or outright ask) for him to leave and you feel like your space is no longer your own.

3. He’s jealous and insecure

He’s overly interested in where you are going and with whom and is jealous if you give attention to any other man (or even girlfriend) that takes away from his time or he perceives is a threat to his relationship with you.

4. He stalks you

He creeps you on social media, tries to log into your accounts, is interested in your friend’s list or what you post and has to be the first one to “like” and/or comment on everything. He knows where you eat lunch, your habits and has a key to your house. In fact, you don’t even need to tell him where you are- he strangely just “knows” your location and randomly will pop up even when you’re out with other friends.

5. He’s controlling

He keeps tabs on where you are, who you are talking to (under the guise of protecting you) and he has control or access over your phone. He may even hint he has a weapon or that he can “beat up” anyone that hurts you.

6. He “marks” his territory

He leaves you with visible hickeys or coaxes you into getting a tattoo (that he has chosen) to represent himself or “your love.” He may also insist you wear his clothing or jewelry or display trinkets from him around your house or office.