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6 qualities that men cherish in a woman more than her good looks

6 qualities that men cherish in a woman more than her good looks

Every man is attracted to a good-looking woman; little wonder a woman with attractive looks is seen as charming by most men.

However, when it comes to settling for a partner in the long-term, men deem a lot of things as important as a woman’s beauty, and some even rank those things as more important than beauty.

Below are some of the things men consider important too:

1. Confidence

With the numerous pressures society places on today’s woman; looks, beauty, shape, affluence and all, it is nice to see a woman who recognize she is awesomevb being exactly who she is. Always having to reassure a woman after they ask you if they are pretty really isn’t fun for anyone. Know you are amazing, and let the world know you know it!

2. Being Passionate

Whether it is a job, family or a hobby; men want a woman who is passionate. Being passionate about something illustrates your ability to be responsible for something. A woman without a drive in life is often an eye sore to most men, they might not tell you this to your face but that’s simply one thing he may be uncomfortable with in you.

3. Independence

There is always something appealing about a person who can take care of his/herself. It portrays content, strength, determination, initiative, hardwork and many other good character traits. That is to say that in a world that often loves to see us fail! Men are seeking to build a future with a woman who doesn’t constantly need support.

4. Expressing own views

Some boys feel threatened by women who are confident enough to express what they think, but not real men- because they welcome it! This is one attribute I have seen most mature men cherish in women. And when you ask them why, they simply tell you ‘because she is confident of her views and opinions. Men value and seek to find a woman who is willing to express herself intellectually and rationally.

5. Trust & Honesty

Men and women want honesty and trust alike in their relationships always, but even more, men want a woman who isn’t scared to be honest in every part of her life and relationship. Whether it is being honest with him or herself, men admire a woman who is comfortable enough to be honest. It breeds trust in the man in their lives.

6. Caring and nurturing

As you may already know, it is no news that men love to be pampered; so don’t think for a moment that it is only women who love to be pampered, because men too do like to have a woman who shows concern and is willing to provide them with comfort.