Home Life 6 easy ways to earn and maintain your man’s respect

6 easy ways to earn and maintain your man’s respect

6 easy ways to earn and maintain your man’s respect

We all want to be respected by people in our lives, whether they’re our friend, our boss, or someone we’re dating.

If you’re looking for ways to make a man respect you, look no further. This article explains how to earn and maintain a man’s respect, whatever role they play in your life.

Image source: Image by artursafronovvvv on Freepik
1. Have dignity and pride in who you are

If you want a man to respect you, you have to respect yourself first. This includes everything from having a backbone and being smart to standing up for yourself and calling him out on his bs.

2. Have your own tastes, your own likes and dislikes

Never be a yes girl. If he asks you for example what kind of food you like, never say “I like whatever you like.

“You must have favourites and if you want him to get to know, respect and like you for who you are never pretend to be someone you’re not.

You can’t pretend to be someone you’re not for the duration of your relationship.

Sooner or later the real you will emerge and he may be shocked enough to decide he is really better off with someone else.

3. Have a mind of your own

Cultivate your own interests and don’t be afraid to speak your mind. If for example he takes you to a movie that you didn’t enjoy and then asks your for your opinion tell him the truth.

If you didn’t like it tell him so and explain why. Don’t neglect to let him know that you enjoyed his company though and appreciate the effort.

4. Don’t strive to be perfect and conform to some bogus societal standard of beauty and proper love etiquette. Instead, be interesting.

Cultivate your own interests and always be aware of yourself and the world around you.

Be able to carry on a conversation. . . don’t be a ditz. Carry yourself with confidence. You’re beautiful, smart, sexy and one of a kind. No other woman out there is exactly like you.

That is precisely why he’s dating you and not someone else.

5. Don’t try too hard

If he tells you he has a preference for perm hair, don’t go out and perm your natural hair. He mentions he likes his woman in heels don’t immediately throw out all your flats.

If he is an environmentalist don’t become a díє hard tree hugger. If he is into extreme sports don’t claim that you too are an adrenaline junkie if you’re not.

In most instances trying too hard to please makes you a pushover.

6. Give him challenges

Men love women who they can have friendly debates with. Don’t hesitate to express your opinions if they are in direct opposition to his. There is a gentle art in disagreeing with a person without putting them down; you must learn that art and practice it in your conversations with men. He will give you his utmost respect for your ability to hold your own ground without steering into a confrontation.