Home Quiz 6 devices that consume more energy than air conditioners: remember to unplug...

6 devices that consume more energy than air conditioners: remember to unplug them after use if you don’t want your electricity bill to significantly drive up

The electronic devices below consume much energy, so when you finish using them, you should unplug them to save electricity for your family.

1. Water heaters

Traditional tank-style water heaters continuously maintain hot water, consuming electricity even when you’re not using it. Consider upgrading to a tankless water heater for energy efficiency.

2. Electric heaters

Electric space heaters are popular for keeping small spaces warm during winter. However, they are notorious for their high energy consumption. Using them sparingly and ensuring proper insulation can help reduce their impact on your electricity bill.

3. Clothes dryers

Consider air-drying your clothes on a line or using a drying rack to reduce your electricity usage. You can also opt for energy-efficient dryers if you must use one.

4. Electric ovens and stoves

Cooking appliances, such as electric ovens and stoves, consume a substantial amount of energy, especially during extended cooking sessions. Efficient meal planning and using the microwave or slow cooker when possible can help reduce your energy usage in the kitchen.

5. Washing machines

While washing machines have become more energy-efficient over the years, they still consume a considerable amount of electricity. Using cold water for washing, ensuring full loads, and investing in a high-efficiency machine can help you save on energy costs.

6. Desktop

Desktop computers are popular technology devices in many families with a common capacity of about 35-450 W. Some high-configuration types can reach up to 1,000 W.

7. Air conditioners

Unfortunately, these devices can also be one of the biggest culprits when it comes to high electricity consumption. Running your AC for extended periods, especially in peak summer, can significantly drive up your energy bill.