When you keep your relationship private, it doesn’t mean that you never talk about it or share what’s going on in your love life. Neither does it mean being secretive about your relationship status.
Keeping your relationship off social media means prioritising the intimacy of your relationship, your peace of mind and that of your partner above the prying eyes and validations of strangers.
Social media is rapidly changing the way we interact and see the world, and it opens one up to multiple ills. Should you decide to share your relations on social media, you may want to first ask yourself why you want to share it.
Below are some benefits of keeping your relationship off social media.
1. Criticism and unnecessary opinions
When you share details of your relationship, it is like climbing an audition stage to present a portion of your life for review. By posting your relationship on social media, you open up yourself and your relationship for criticism and the unsolicited opinions of others.
In case you want to talk to someone about the issues and concerns you have regarding your relationship, do so with people you know and trust in real life.
2. Complicated breakup
When you keep your relationship off social media, breakup is less complicated. You and your partner shared some amazing times, and the world felt like they were on the journey with you. You gave followers access to your relationship, forgetting that at the end of the day, it’s just you and your partner fighting to make your union work.
When the relationship ends, then begins the drama, the intrusive post-breakup questions. However, by keeping your relationship off social media, you would be able to heal and focus your mind on other things.
3. Enjoy the moment
Spending less time on social media will allow you to have more time to spend with your partner. Consider spending an evening without your phone once a week. Simply sit and have dinner with your partner and have a deep conversation about your feelings and emotions. Connecting with your partner on a deeper level will ensure a happier relationship.
4. It’s not real
Often, what we post on social media is heavily filtered. Posting a picture of you and your partner looking happy after an argument is not a genuine display of your partnership. While it may be fun to post a photo of you and your partner every now and again, creating a false image of yourself online is not helpful. Focus on your real-life relationship, rather than how it appears online.
Social media has created a need for approval and validation. Watching the likes come in after you post a photo should not be the only thing that makes you happy.
5. It reduces unnecessary pressure
Social media often creates unnecessary pressure to present a perfect relationship online, which can lead to stress and dissatisfaction for couples.
Not posting about your relationship on social media is so freeing! When you keep your love life offline, it allows your connection to grow naturally without outside influence.
Some of the sweetest moments you share as a couple happen spontaneously.
Keeping those interactions off social media allows you to be fully present and deepens your emotional intimacy.
Rather than performing for an audience, you can laugh, cry, and simply be together with no filter.
Those unfiltered moments of real connection are what build a lasting foundation.
When you display your relationship all over social media, you open yourself up to unsolicited comments and advice from friends and family, especially if you hit a rough patch.
But your relationship is between you and your partner, so avoid giving others the chance to interfere in your private life.
Deal with challenges and conflict together, without a chorus of people chiming in about what they think you should do.
If you can’t solve your issues as a couple, counseling can be a better option than involving a third party.
6. It allows you and your partner to enjoy privacy
Keeping your relationship off social media allows you and your partner to enjoy privacy.
This can lead to a deeper connection as your experiences are kept between the two of you, rather than shared with a broad audience.
Not everything needs to be shared online! Posting couple pictures and status updates often does more harm than good.
Unless you’re a lifestyle influencer, try as much as possible to keep your love life private.
By not seeking validation on social media, you can focus on truly connecting with your partner in real life without worrying about what others think or feel.
Staying off social media also reduces the urge to stalk your partner’s profiles or keep tabs on their exes.
Your relationship will feel more authentic when you live in the moment rather than trying to curate some ideal online image.
Cherish the time you spend with your significant other and focus on being fully present instead of looking for ways to impress strangers on the internet.