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5 ways women are hurting their man without knowing that it can destroy their relationship

Just like husbands, wives are the main core of a family and whatever they do can easily affect the family positively or negatively. As married couples, the two are expected to study and understand each other so that they can make sure that they don’t hurt one another in any type of away.

However, there are things wives do unknowingly in marriages that end up hurting their husbands. Here are some of the things wives do without them knowing that end up hurting their husbands.

1. Second, guessing him

For a relationship to work out perfectly there is a need for trust between couples. Many husbands get hurt whenever their wives keep on second-guessing them in every task that they are asked to accomplish. As many wives might not see it to be a big deal, asking your husband a similar question repeatedly on whether he accomplished what you two agreed on in most cases hurts their feelings, most especially if they already told you that it’s done.

2. Comparison

The worst thing a woman can do is to compare her husband to other men. Making a comparison between your with another hurts their feeling and most time their ego especially when their wives ridiculously compared them to a man richer than them.

3. Passiveness

Sometimes wives exude a great deal of passiveness towards their husbands. In many cases, it’s not at all intentional, but they often assume that their husband doesn’t need a great deal of attention and that ultimately he’ll understand why. Women that also assume the role as a mother must understand that they are in a relationship too and their husband needs them – just as much as they need their husband. Make time for your husband and do not treat him like another child. Give him your undivided attention and devote one-on-one time exclusively for him. Dedicating this time to him will make him feel important and will also allow him to feel like a priority versus just someone you cohabitate with. You may be thinking that you’re exhausted and do not have the energy to focus on your husband. You should remember before you had children and everything else you fell in love with a great man. Make sure you relive that love every day.

4. Gratitude

It is so hurting to most husbands when the wives don’t recognize their efforts. Many wives happen to take their husbands doing for granted and that why they even don’t appreciate whatever good done by the husband.

5. Be Careful With Your Words

It can be difficult trying to make sure you don’t upset your husband, but if you become mindful of the instances that are hurtful you’ll discover that it’s much easier to avoid than you originally planned. Be present within your marriage and seek out ways you can become a stronger union by communicating with each other. Ask your husband to tell you when things bother him and explain to him that you are actively trying to avoid hurting his feelings. Not only will he appreciate your efforts, but he’ll also help you to guide you through your own frustrations and issues that you may be facing.

Sources: pridesibiya.com, ng.opera.news