Home Life 5 tiny but lovely romantic gestures every woman secretly adores

5 tiny but lovely romantic gestures every woman secretly adores

5 tiny but lovely romantic gestures every woman secretly adores

If you’re a fan of romantic comedies, then you already know that the cornerstone of a successful couple is the romantic gesture. While this might seem like a hard one, in reality, most women are happy being loved and don’t need you to do anything super-elaborate to show them you care.

Now, while it is true that kissing in the rain will probably result with you having the sniffles, and walking into a restaurant without a reservation will probably end in you both being hungry (all gestures that are wildly appealing in the movies), there are quite a few simple yet effective gestures that every woman is sure to love.

1. When partners call them by cutesy names

Most women secretly adore it when their partners refer to them by sweet nicknames in public or in person, despite the fact that others may think it’s cheesy. This illustrates the couple’s exclusivity. As long as both of you are into it, there is no inappropriate nickname to use for your lover, whether it be affectionate nicknames like “boo” or “babe” or sugary nicknames like “cookie” or “cupcake.”

2. Do a Chore She Hates to Do

Recent studies have shown that men who help out around the house tend to be happier. On top of that, taking on a chore such as vacuuming or washing the dishes that you know she hates is a small romantic gesture that will not only make her happy but take a little bit of the weight off her shoulders as well. It may not be the most romantic of gifts, but the time she saves will be invaluable.

3. Listen to What She Says…Really Listen

It’s super easy to be distracted by the trials and tribulations of your own day, and then forget to ask her how her day went. The most romantic gesture you can make is to sit and really listen to her when she talks.

4. Sharing love songs with her

Sometimes, a romantic call with a beautiful song is all a woman really wants. Sending your girl a song link will make her feel mushy and in love yet again. This will give her the impression that you want her to pay attention to the song’s lyrics and that somewhere inside, you identify with their sentiment. She will feel special to you as a result of this.

5. Click her random pictures

Even when they are not at their best, you should occasionally make these adorably beautiful gestures when you randomly snap a photo of them. She has to have the impression that she is constantly loved. After that, it would be the icing on the cake if you even considered posting one of her photos to your social media accounts. However, if you take the time to print a photo and put it in your home or place of work, that is something big.