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5 Things You Should Do In Your 20s So You Don’t Ruin Your 30s

These years are full of life, but they are also important because they can be important for the rest of life.

How nice it is to be in your second decade, over 20 when our faces are still wrinkled free.

We are the first generation to be poorer than our predecessors and we will never own any property but we have memes. Being over 20 years old is a great thing. Although these years are full of life, they are also important because they can be important for the rest of life.

1. Learn to save money

When you don’t have much of it, putting a little money aside every month is hard. For some of us, faced with minimal pay and sky-high rents, it’s nigh-on impossible. But if you can put away some pennies, even just a little bit, your later self will likely thank you big time.

One older man recently revealed how much he wished he’d saved money in his 20s. He explained that when he was younger he saw his money as “an opportunity to party and ended up p*ssing most of it away.”

“That’s the one decision I really wish I could go back and change,” he wrote on Reddit.

2. Take care of your body

Even if we don’t get fat after eating too much pizza in a week, it is not doing us any good.

Internal fat? Yes, that’s one thing. It can wrap around our limbs, even if we are very thin on the outside. When your digestive system slows down, giving up these unhealthy habits can be even more painful.

There are definitely millions among us who spend more money on gym memberships, chia seeds, green juices than dominoes. But on weekends they also have a habit of drinking too much which can be very dangerous for our body.

And yes, be sure to brush your teeth. Dental treatment is costly, and God knows we can’t afford it. And you should stop smoking and applying sunscreen. The process of puberty can be very difficult.

3. Don’t stay with someone just because they’re there

Every failed relationship teaches you something, but regretting staying with a partner for too long is all too common amongst older generations.

Sometimes it’s hard to see when a relationship is past its best-before date from the inside, and of course breaking up is never easy, especially when society tells us being single is bad and scary, but you don’t want to look back and wish you’d focussed on yourself more.

Don’t be scared to break up with someone because you’re scared of being alone. (Single life is actually really fun.)

4. Travel around the world

Most of us over the age of 20 prioritize responsibilities but as you get older it becomes more difficult to leave everything, pack up and go to the other side of the world. Not traveling at a young age is the biggest regret of older people and we have no excuse after today’s means of transportation. Yeah, it is possible that we don’t have a budget to travel, Lack of money is always an obstacle.

5. Prioritize professional development

They say you regret the things you didn’t do more than the things you did, and no one wants to wake up one morning wishing they’d chased their dream job when they were young, energetic and dynamic enough to make a career out of it.

Plus, most people have a few different jobs before discovering what it is they really want to do with their lives. So if you don’t focus on finding what’s right for you, you’re going to have a pretty dull 40 odd years of employment ahead of you.

We must ask for promotions, educate ourselves and be willing to work hard. Then maybe one day, if you do really well, you might be able to afford a basement studio flat with no plumbing underneath a brothel. We can but dream.