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5 Things He Does When He’s in Love and Signs He’s Using You

5 Things He Does When He’s in Love and Signs He’s Using You

You need to be a better judge of character. You have to know if your man is good, so you can do your best not to let him go. But you also have to know if he’s terrible, so you can keep yourself more protected. Here’s how you can tell if he’s real based on the things he does in the relationship.

1. He’s in love with you if you’ve revealed your worst to him and he still sticks around.

He has seen the worst of you. He has caught a glimpse of your flaws and imperfections. He’s seen you when you were being so difficult – and he still sticks around. You know your feelings are real because he is consistent.

2. He is using you if he makes big relationship decisions without consulting you or thinking about you.

He obviously doesn’t care much about how his actions or decisions would make you feel. He doesn’t really see you as a partner. He just acts on his own volition, regardless of how you might feel about a situation.

3. He is in love with you if he is doing everything he can to make you happy.

He considers your happiness to be his own and does everything he can to put a smile on your face.

4. He is using you if all he cares about is his own personal happiness.

He only does anything that makes him happy. If his actions are harmful or damaging to you and your relationship, it wouldn’t matter much to him – as long as he ends up being happy as a result.

5. He is in love with you if you give him the safe space he needs to express himself freely.

He recognizes that you are your own person and have no right to violate any boundaries you set for him in the relationship. He also wants you to feel that you can express yourself however you want.

6. He is using you if he constantly criticizes and judges you.

He is always making you feel like he is judging and criticizing you. He will always make you feel like you are a terrible human being just to hurt your feelings. There is no love or care behind his criticism.

7. He is in love with you if he really opens up to you.

He is not hiding anything from you. His life is an open book to you.

8. He is using you if he tries to hide his intentions and motivations from you.

If you feel that he is not really being honest and open to you about his innermost feelings and motivations, then you know that he is only using you in this relationship – and he doesn’t want you to know that.

9. He’s in love with you if he goes the extra mile to meet your needs in the relationship.

He really does everything in his power to make sure that you are satisfied to be in a relationship with him.

10. He is using you if he makes you feel bad for not meeting his expectations.

He deliberately blames you, making you think that you are not enough for him. He wants to make you believe that you need to try harder to become worthy of his love. He is acting on purpose just to get you to do more.

Source:relrules.com, dreamyhub.com