Home Moral Stories 5 Rules To Live a Happier Life – The Meaning Of Life

5 Rules To Live a Happier Life – The Meaning Of Life

5 Rules To Live a Happier Life – The Meaning Of Life

There are 5 Rules to live a happier life:

1. Love yourself.
2. Harm no one.
3. Do good.
4. Be positive.
5. Always forgive.

1) Love Yourself: This is my first rule in this list, this serves as an ultimate rule for everyone in this life “Love yourself first before extending it to another”. An elder once quoted “Never bites the finger that feeds you”.

2) Harm No One: It is said that bad company corrupts the mind and the body. Decease from keeping bad company, watch who you keep as friends and followers, cos this will only lead you to harm other people for pride, money and even for earthly positions. Remember: on earth all this is vanity. Quote this “Pride comes before a fall”.

3) Do Good: The world is coming to an end, negative signs are every where. Good people had turned into negativity. People that practice positivity are very few. Dont join the multitude and do wrong. Help people and your reward will be in Heaven/above. An inspirational speaker by name Wisdytech once said “Trust no one even your blood relative, rendering help should be defined as God’s blessing and not to please man”.

4) Be Positive: It is said that a good name is better than Silver and Gold. Yes this is true. recapitulate this “Show me your friend and i will tell you who your personality is”. Be positive always and positive event will occur to you. Shun negative people, they will only help you in killing your destiny especially if you are a talented human.

5) Always Forgive: “A forgiving heart is a peace loving heart- Wisdytech. Let Forgivenness always be your point of view in all crises as your maker does to you. To take war for war is not adviceable any more. When Forgiveness occurs peace is always present. Please, turn a new leave today.