Home Life 5 Revealing Signs You’re Being Used By a Man

5 Revealing Signs You’re Being Used By a Man

5 Revealing Signs You’re Being Used By a Man

1. He has relied on your income for a month or more.

Unless you are married, there is absolutely no excuse to be financially supporting a man.

If he can’t pay your phone bill, rent, or some other critical item, it’s time to reassess your status with him. Even if he gets fired from his job, a guy who cares about you would be horrified to ask for money.

He’ll either step up and get another job before his money runs out, or reduce his expenses, or both.

2. He’s proud of what he has – and wants to show it to people.

If you’re dating someone who has everything you want, it’s the next best thing to having it yourself. This isn’t always about possessions either. Status can also come from being famous or known for something.

3. You only call when you’re having a bad day.

If you’ve ever noticed that the guy you’re dating only calls when he’s frustrated, or depressed, or excited, then that’s a huge warning sign that you’re being used by a man.

4. He doesn’t listen, he doesn’t make plans, and he doesn’t remember your birthday.

A user is not thinking about you until he wants something from you. He won’t care about your feelings or desires because that means he has to take action and do something for you. If you feel you are being ignored, or if he seems “conveniently” busy on days that are special to you, it’s time to see the guy at the door.

5. You have a suspicious feeling that you are the only one taking responsibility in the relationship.

The duties of the relationship are ideally split right down the middle. Both of you are paying the bills and both of you are cleaning the house. It doesn’t always work that way, of course, and you have to take your own situation into account.

But if you feel like you’re always working and he’s always hanging around the house or doing something fun, you need to work it out.
