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5 reasons your ex left for someone else

Finding out why your ex has left you is always surprising, even if you knew things weren’t going well. But do you know why they broke up with you? Sometimes our pride can prevent us from seeing the reality of the situation, and this prevents us from learning from our mistakes. Here are some the common reasons people leave a relationship.

1. Smothering

No matter how much we love someone, we all don’t like to feel trapped in a relationship. Calling multiple times a day, showing up uninvited, and never going anywhere without your ex are all signs of smothering. Absence makes the heart grow fonder’so make sure you give the next person some time to miss you.

2. Needing a Listener

Everyone has thoughts and emotions that they need to share with their partner, but it is impossible to do when the other person is talking. Did you consistently dominate the conversation? How often did you ask your ex what they wanted to do? Sometimes being quiet is the best thing you can do for a relationship.

3. Not Enough Romance

This happens often in relationships, especially when it comes to romance. Flirting and complimenting invigorates your lover and makes them feel more confident. If you have been ignoring the romantic details, then your love has likely dwindled into just another friendship.

4. Too Much Negativity

When one side takes on a negative opinion about everything it will spoil the mood of everyone involved. If you found yourself constantly complaining about work, bills, or even your relationship, then you probably sent your ex running for relief. There is plenty of stress and negativity in the world, and no one wants to spend their free time listening to more of it.

5. Needing More

Distancing can be just a fatal to a relationship. Too many people dedicate themselves to work, school, or other hobbies while ignoring their loved one. They expect their love to survive the strains of their other priorities. Unfortunately there is a certain point where your partner simply needs to spend time with you. You will always struggle maintaining a healthy relationship if you choose to make work or school your absolute priority.

If you lost your ex because of some of the reasons listed here then the first things you should do is make adjustments to avoid these issues in the future. You may even be able to win your ex back, but you need to be committed to changing your ways in order to succeed.