Home Health 5 Most Important Signs Your Liver Is Toxίc and Causing Weight Gain

5 Most Important Signs Your Liver Is Toxίc and Causing Weight Gain

The liver is undoubtedly one of the most important organs of the human body. Located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, the liver is responsible for our overall physical vitality and health.

We live in an environment that is filled with toxins, both in the air we breath and the foods we eat, that rely on the liver to manage these poisons. In fact, a healthy liver is in charge of filtering out these toxins through our waste (urine and stool), so that we can absorb the vital nutrients that are key for our overall health.

Conversely, if are livers are damaged by alcoholism, the after effects of certain viruses, or overexposure to certain chemicals, it is not able to do it’s job in allowing proper digestion to occur. When it is overburdened by toxins, it can’t properly act as a filter for elimination; this can eventually result in bodily changes that can alert us that we are at risk for a potentially serious health risk.

Without the liver’s ability to eliminate toxins regularly and healthfully, it becomes sluggish because the toxins get stored in fat, resulting in an INABILITY TO SHED WEIGHT. If you have become frustrated, that despite your eating right and exercising your weight doesn’t budge, this can be a sign of liver toxicity. This can occur because our ENVIRONMENT is filled with a multitude of toxins that CAN BURDEN OUR LIVER FUNCTIONING.

As the liver is ultimately responsible for human beings’ survival, it is important to be aware of the EARLY SIGNS OF LIVER TOXICITY

Warning Signs The Liver Is Toxic



– yellowish hue indicative of a rise in bilirubin leading to jaundice

– inflammation causing ITCHINESS or OVERSENSITIVITY


3. Darkening of URINE (despite healthy ingestion of water) or bloody or black STOOL


– chronic cramping in lower abdomen

– extreme gassiness and pressure that eventually can lead to fluid buildup which must be removed before affecting the LUNGS


Any of these symptoms, particularly when combined with others, should be a signal to immediately seek medical help, before more serious liver damage occurs.

Things you can do to avoid and reverse liver damage

Now that you know the warning signs of liver damage let us understand how to avoid or reverse liver damage.

1. Avoid alcoholic beverages:

Did you know that alcohol adversely affects your liver? Yes! Over-consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause several liver diseases which if left untreated can cause life-threatening complications.

Sometimes you can consume small amounts of alcohol. However, when you consume alcoholic beverages ensure to drink adequate water. Water helps to flush out toxins and keep your body hydrated.

2. Maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly:

People who are overweight often have their unused fat stored in the liver. The unused fats accumulated in the liver can cause inflammation and scarring.

Studies suggest that people with a sedentary lifestyle are at an elevated risk of developing liver ailments.

3. Eat healthy:

By making healthy eating choices you can help your liver heal and stay healthy. The foods that you should add to your diet include:

Probiotics, strengthen gut health and proper assimilation of fats.
Citrus fruits help to flush out toxins from the liver
Turmeric helps reduce inflammation of the liver
Nuts to reduce cell damage
In addition, you must limit your intake of carbohydrates. By limiting your carbohydrate intake you can prevent the storage of unused glucose in the liver.

4. Do not overconsume vitamin supplements:

While vitamin supplements help us replenish essential nutrients in our body, consuming too much of these vitamin supplements can overburden the functioning of the liver. Always consult your doctor before taking any vitamin supplements.

5. Detox yourself:

Detox yourself once in a while to reduce the burden on your liver. Besides detoxing you must try to choose natural products instead of opting for harmful chemical-laden products.

Try to add more natural and organic products while racing your exposure to harmful chemical-laced products.

6. Avoid smoking:

We all know that smoking affects our lungs and may cause canc.er. But smoking cigarettes negatively affects the liver too.

The nicotine present in the cigarette increases the fat content of the blood, while the liver is working hard to remove the toxins cigarettes cause.

References: sun-gazing.com, medicoexperts.com