Home Health 5 foods that burn stubborn visceral fat better than exercise. The more...

5 foods that burn stubborn visceral fat better than exercise. The more you eat, the better they are for your health and skin

Excess belly fat is very dangerous. As we grow older or more sedentary, the risk of us adding this fat to our waistline goes up. According to studies, excess belly fat or visceral fat is very harmful considering it surrounds our internal organs and puts us at great risk of developing numerous health problems – diabetes, heart disease, liver problem among others.

The stubborn fat accumulates around the abdominal area and requires quite an effort to shed it. The trick is to slow and steady and make some permanent lifestyle changes. Developing some good habits like exercising regularly, avoiding refined, process and sugar foods, and being active in general can lead to an effective fat loss around your belly area.

There are some foods that could help you achieve your goal of losing belly fat better. According to Dietician Garima Goyal, you should add these five foods to your daily diet for belly fat loss.

1. Eggs

1 whole egg can actually help you lose excess fat. Eggs are high in protein, and even contain the essential amino acid leucine which catalyses the fat burning mechanism. The presence of choline in egg yolk is known to turn off the fat gain genes.

2. Yoghurt

Yoghurt contains the beneficial bacterial strain lactobacillus which reduces the fat deposition.

3. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like lime, oranges are loaded with potassium- a mineral important for regulating the water balance in our body and hence can combat bloating and fight inflammation involved in fat storage.

4. Green tea

Green tea contains flavonoids and polyphenol, which helps in controlling the cholesterol level. It is advised to consume at least one cup of green tea everyday to keep the cholesterol level in check.
Green tea is rich in caffeine and a flavonoid called Catechin. Both these compounds help in breakdown of excess fat in the body.

5. Green veggies

Green Leafy Vegetables like spinach, lettuce and broccoli are not only packed with vitamins and minerals, but also are low in calories and loaded with fibre. The fibre content would help you eat less and feel fuller for longer durations.