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5 characteristics of self-made rich people: the older they get, the more they have

Don’t have the mindset of “just an employee”

Self-made rich people often like to work for themselves. They work hard not just because of the direction of their manager or employer. They are also people who like to do things their own way, are creative and self-aware of daily development.

Economical lifestyle

Many people are worried about not being able to compare themselves with others, so they often buy expensive things to flatter themselves, such as cars or luxury goods. However, rich people often use old cars and live in houses that only meet the needs of themselves and their families.

Statistics in the US also demonstrate this. Sixty-four percent of the 233 millionaires with an average fortune of $4.3 million said they lived in modest homes. 56% said their home is at least 20 years old and 55% said they buy a used car. In addition, they are also frugal in other things. 96% said they spend less than $6,000 per year on vacations and 84% said they never gamble.

Rich people do not like luxuries and showing off but only focus on making money and saving to prepare for the future. It could be reaching your goal of financial freedom early and having a comfortable retirement.

People are always goal oriented

They regularly set daily, monthly, even yearly and longer-term goals. What self-made rich people want is the feeling of self-satisfaction that comes from accomplishing goals, not just trying to accomplish them.

No debt

Dave Ramsey points out that the most common misunderstanding many people have is thinking that rich people see debt as a tool. However, that is not the case.

Debt is the number one obstacle to wealth, so rich people don’t let themselves get into debt. If rich people want to own something but cannot currently afford it, they will not take out debt to own it. Instead they will try to make money and save to buy it.

Have a moderate life

Not spending money on things you don’t need is the way to live financially as they should. The people studied rarely go out to dinner at luxury restaurants or buy luxury goods, except on important occasions.