Home Health 4 types of women and why guys choose them

4 types of women and why guys choose them

4 types of women and why guys choose them

It seems that the idea of building “undying love” is more than simple. But what is difficult? Why do we burn so many bridges and hurt ourselves and our partner? Let’s try to understand and comprehend when women make mistakes!

1. Attracting a man is a state of LOVE

Mistress is a firebomb. A sensual, passionate and even impudent priestess of love. She attracts a man with her brilliant thirst for life and love. She knows how to attract a man!

What to do.

“Boost” her feminine energy. Learn to flirt and flirt as much as you can. Flirting means nothing but reveals your sexual energy. If you are still embarrassed to flirt now is the time!

2. Incitement of interest – the QUEEN state

The Queen is the air. The cold, aloof Queen chooses the most suitable man. She is successful, she knows what she wants and how to achieve her goal. In this image, a woman becomes an ideal for a man.

What to do?

Go on a date within 3 days. Minimize communication by phone and social media. He must not think he is the winner if he asks you on a date.

3. Proposal incentive – the state of the RAPARIGA

The girl is the water. Here she is happy and grateful, the state of a woman most likely to fall in love.

What to do.

Thank him for any sign of attention and love. Show weakness, let him be a MAN and take care of you.

4. Maintain love and family – the state of HOSTESS

This lady is down to earth. She is wise and experienced. A man will always remain with her, as she personifies his family to him, his home and fortress.

Source:healthynewz.co.uk, worldcare.info, healthyfoodadvice.space