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4 Things To Eat In Moderation To Help You Look Younger By Reducing The Appearance Of Wrinkles On You

4 Things To Eat In Moderation To Help You Look Younger By Reducing The Appearance Of Wrinkles On You

Aging is a natural phenomenon that can’t be avoided. We cannot reverse the aging process but we can slow it down by including these foods in the daily diet. Here is a list of anti-aging foods that can help you stay young.

Still, adding nutrient-dense foods to your diet can help you look and feel your best as you get older. In general, try to eat:

  • Healthy sources of protein
  • Healthy fats
  • Foods that are rich in antioxidants

1. Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin is rich in healthy fats and antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and oxidative damage caused by an imbalance of free radicals in the body.

Olive oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties that may protect against severe skin aging and chronic disease.

2. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish is a highly nutritious food that can promote healthy skin.

Salmon and other fatty fish are high in protein good for skin’s strength, plumpness, and elasticity. Eating protein also promotes wound healing.

Fish is high in selenium help reduce and prevent skin damage from UV light. Having adequate levels in the body may reduce the severity of skin diseases like psoriasis.

2. Nuts

Including nuts like almonds, cashews, pistachios and brazil nuts in your daily diet makes them the outstanding anti-aging foods.

Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, both of which are found in nuts, are essential for sustaining skin cell membranes. Your skin will respond by producing more oil, avoiding further skin drying. Your face will look younger and smoother after using it.

3. Vegetables

It’s important to eat vegetables of different colors, as each color represents different antioxidants that can benefit your skin and overall health. Some of the best sources of beta carotene are: Carrots, Pumpkin, Sweet potatoes… Vegetables with the highest vitamin C content include leafy greens, bell peppers, tomatoes, and broccoli.

4. Fruits

You can maintain clear, healthy skin by eating a balanced diet that includes fruits like avocado, Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, Kiwi fruit, Pomegranates, Citrus fruits..

Loaded with fiber vitamins, potassium, and monounsaturated fats it can slow down aging and improve overall health. You can even use them to make homemade face masks!