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4 Signs Your Ex Will Never Forget You For The Rest Of His Life

Here are some signs your ex boyfriend will never forget you and maybe is still in love with you:

1. He Never Stops Talking About You to Mutual Friends

If your ex boyfriend is constantly bringing up stories about you to his friends, it’s a good sign he will never forget you.

When he still enjoys talking about you and relives the happy moments the two of you have shared together, this means he really values you and cherishes the time spent with you. In fact, he’s still head over heels in love with you and won’t be forgetting you anytime soon.

2. He’s Still Got Your Stuff

If he has kept all of your letters, photos, and memorabilia for years, he’s probably never stopped loving you in the first place.

He’s hanging on to the physical reminders of your relationship in the hopes that you’ll come back.

Or maybe he just can’t bear to part with them because they hold too many memories.

Either way, it’s a sign he will never forget you.

3. He Still Follows You on Social Media

An ex who is really in love with you, won’t unfollow you when things go sour. In fact, he might even follow you more often than before because he’s always curious about what’s going on in your life and wants to see if there’s anything that might make him regret his decision not to be with you anymore.

He doesn’t want to lose touch with you completely. He wants to stay in your life, even if it’s just through social media.

So if he’s still following you on social media, it’s a sign that he’ll never forget about you or the time you spent together.

4. He Hasn’t Moved on By Dating Anyone Else

This is a pretty good indication that he’s still not over you. If he’s still single, it means he’s holding out hope that you’ll get back together again. And if that’s the case, he’ll never forget about you.