Home Funny 4 habits of women that men hate the most

4 habits of women that men hate the most

4 habits that men hate the most

Guys love their woman but they can’t help hating a few annoying habits. Avoid these habits and your man will feel a lot better about the relationship.

Has your man ever sulked or walked away in a huff for no reason? Chances are, he doesn’t appreciate you enough, or worse, you’ve had an annoying girlfriend moment! Here’s what you’d like to put on your not-to-do-list.

1. Pointless questions

What’s the point of asking questions such as “Do I look fat?” or “Does this outfit look good on me?” Would you even be okay with him answering the former in the affirmative and the latter in the negative? Save your breath, gal. And save him the sighs.

2. Talk, talk, talk

This may sound sexist, but sometimes we women simply talk too much. Half the time, we’re just thinking aloud, venting out to our feelings or channelising some dormant energy. But you can’t expect the average man to get that. If he’s averse to your need to gab, simply do so in another space or when he’s not around.

3. Contradictory tendencies

With the so-called equality of the sexes being the norm, men hate it when gals blab about women’s lib but expect him to open doors, pull out chairs, settle bills and play Santa all the time. Stop being a hypocrite. Put yourself in his place, to put him on the receiving end from time to time

4. Future obsessions

Most men are instinctively commitment-phobic, even those who insist that they’re anything but. It’s probably got something to do with the way they’re wired. If you find yourself asking the nagging: “Where is this relationship going?” question rephrased in all the possible ways, and think his reactions are going from bad to worse, drop the question. Or the man.