Home Health 4 Common Things That Make Women Lose Their Hair Faster

4 Common Things That Make Women Lose Their Hair Faster

Hair loss is common for women. There are numerous reasons why women might experience hair loss. Anything from medical conditions to hormonal changes to stress may be the culprit. It’s not always easy tracing the root cause, but here are some of the possibilities and what you can do.

1. Dry shampoo

Women use dry shampoo in between washes to keep their hair looking fresh and clean. However, overu$ing dry shampoo can clog up your pores, resulting in scalp irritation, sores and bald patches.
Basically, if you use too much dry shampoo, you’re going to have issues. Use it in moderation and make sure to wash your hair on a regular basis.

2. 0ral birth control

Birth control pills are designed to suppress ovulation using a combination of progestin and estrogen. If your birth control pills are making you lose your hair, consider using non-hormonal birth control methods like condoms or an intrauterine device (IUD).

3. Dieting

Maybe your diet helps you lose weight, but it’s also thinning your hair.Hair loss is often the result of a nutritional deficiency. Lack of protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, biotin, vitamin C, iron and calcium are all cited as vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy hair.

If you need to change the way you eat, remember to diet in moderation. Fad or extreme dieting is unhealthy and ineffective. Regular exercise and a balanced diet – full of the essential vitamins and minerals – is the best route to take.

4. High-heat appliances

Don’t turn your hairdryer, curling iron or straightener on high heat. Intense heat can severely damage your hair by breaking down the hair fiber’s hydrogen bonds. avoid using them more than 2 or 3 times a week.