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3 Signs Of Heart Diseases In The Early Stages That Should Not Be Ignored

3 Signs Of Heart Diseases In The Early Stages That Should Not Be Ignored

When you have heart disease, especially in its early stages, there are some signs that your body gives to make you aware of the need to go to a medical examination to know the meaning of the signs and also the severity of the heart problems so that you can receive immediate medical treatment and also be given the proper medication to treat you.

When it comes to the issue of human health, many people often ignore the signs that their bodies give them, especially in the case of heart disease. No matter how busy you are, it is critical that you pay close attention to these signals and seek medical help before they get out of control.

In this article, I want to briefly educate you about the signs of heart disease in its early stages that should not be ignored.

1. Your abdomen swells in an unusual way

When you notice that your abdomen swells in an unusual way that starts to make you uncomfortable, you should immediately go to a medical checkup to find out what is causing the swelling. The abdomen, in this case, can swell when fluid substances get stored in the abdomen, which then starts to affect the heart and prevent it from performing well.

2. Chest discomfort

Another sign of heart-related disease that you should not ignore is persistent chest pain associated with stiffness that refuses to go away even with pain-relieving medications.

Chest discomfort is an alarming symptom, as it can be a sign of blockage of the blood supply to the heart (coronary artery disease) or its severe acute form, a heart attack.

If you experience such symptoms, it is important to immediately seek medical help at the nearest accident and emergency department.

3. Heavy breathing or labored breathing

Shortness of breath or labored breathing, especially at rest, can be a sign of a heart attack or heart failure – when heart function is not normal. It can also be a sign of certain arrhythmias.

Get it checked out, especially if it is a new phenomenon or if others are taking note of it.

In conclusion, when you have to do with the above signs, don’t hesitate to see your doctor for a proper check-up and treatment.

Source:ng.opera.news, thomsonmedical.com, today.com, webmd.com