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3 Powerful Tips To Make Your Man Worry About Losing You And Stop Taking You For Granted

3 Powerful Tips To Make Your Man Worry About Losing You And Stop Taking You For Granted

1- Control your anger and stop talking about feeling unappreciated.

This one is difficult to do but absolutely essential so let me explain when you feel like he’s taking you for granted or that he doesn’t appreciate you it’s natural to feel hurt and even angry about it and it makes sense that you would want to talk to him about it and sometimes that’s enough to temporarily turn things around. However, if things don’t change continuing to bring up your complaints might actually make things worse. So, you must not bring this topic up again.

How you’re feeling you must not let him know that you’re upset or sad or worried instead after you do these steps he’s going to be the one missing and appreciating you and he will bring it up himself.

2- Glamorize your looks

When in a relationship, it’s common for people to get so comfortable that they let their appearance fade. If this resonates with you it’s time to start glamourizing the way that you look when you’re with him and when you’re not with him. So, dress well and look your best he’s going to notice when other men are paying more attention to you. That’s going to remind him that other men find you attractive.

It’s so important for you to look better for you to look different and he’s going to question if it’s because you want to be attractive to other men. Also, this is going to provoke just a little bit of fear that someone else could hijack you.

3- Be willing to walk away

Every single day that you’re in a relationship, you’re choosing to be there. You need to always remember that you can also choose to exit at any time.

Generally speaking, if a man says he can’t commit (or doesn’t want a relationship), that’s very unlikely to change, especially if you go along with it. It’s one of the biggest mistakes women make when they are looking for love.

The trap that so many women fall into is a guy clearly shows he’s not going to be what they want (in many cases even explicitly says he doesn’t want a relationship) and they go along with it… which guarantees he will never commit to a relationship in the way they want!

Why would he? He says or clearly shows that he doesn’t want a committed relationship and the woman is going along with it. What incentive is there for him to change?He’s getting what he wants without having to earn it. He isn’t scared to lose you.

The key and solution here is a compassionate and loving “no, thank you” to what isn’t what you want.

Ironically, it’s only when you’re truly willing to walk away from a dynamic that you don’t want that you get to discover the truth about whether he would ever commit to you and want a relationship with you.