Home Life 21-Year-Old Man Uses First Paycheck To Pay Off His Parents’ Whole Mortgage

21-Year-Old Man Uses First Paycheck To Pay Off His Parents’ Whole Mortgage

Getting your first real paycheck seems to be an incredible experience because you finally have money of your own and you feel like you can do anything you want. For most people, when receiving their first paycheck, they will be excited to spend their hard-earned money on something they had always wanted: a favorite perfume, a long-sought-after sweater, … a person gets to use their own money for small luxuries.

However, there are hundreds of stories on the internet of people who have used their paychecks for heartwarming reasons, such as buying their family or friends something they would adore. In some collectivistic cultures, meant children and grandchildren dedicate their first earning to their parents or grandparents and buy them something that they can always cherish.

In some cases, people refuse to spend their money right away and save it up for one big spending later, such as a car. Nevertheless, one young man went above and beyond and took his substantial first paycheck to do something life-changing for his parents. Then it ended up being one of the most emotional videos yet om the internet.

Back in 2017, Pavin Smith was probably every parent’s dream son. When he was just 21, he did something rather exceptional for his beloved mom and dad.

He paid for their entire home. Now his family will never have to worry about another mortgage payment again.

Pavin managed to do this in spite of his young age because he was the seventh overall pick in the year’s baseball draft, signing with the Arizona Diamondbacks of Major League Baseball.

According to MLB Pipeline, the signing led to a generous $5 million bonus for the 21-year-old first baseman and right fielder.

But instead of immediately going wild with the money, Pavin set his priorities straight. This young man knew what he wanted to do first — and that was to pay off his parents’ entire mortgage.

Pavin Smith had often heard his mother, Pam, complain about the mortgage and how his parents had to pay off the family house. He realized the burden and stress associated with that monthly payment.

Christmas Eve came around in 2017 and Pavin reveal his huge surprise. He simply handed his parents a letter which explained his gift.

“Thank you for raising me in a great home filled with love,” Pavin wrote. “Because of all the sacrifices you made to get me where I am, I want our family home to be yours.”

Thankfully, the whole incident was recorded on film — see it below.

Sources: en.newsner.com, apost.com