Home Health 20 medications that cause memory loss, stop using them

20 medications that cause memory loss, stop using them

20 medications that cause memory loss, stop using them

Medicines that cause cognitive health problems and memory loss

1. Statin drugs

These drugs are used to regulate high cholesterol levels and can lead to brain damage. in fact, our brain is made of 1/4 cholesterol, which is much needed for memory, learning and thinking. however, they can still cause side effects and lead to memory loss.

2. Sleeping tablets

sleeping pills can also cause memory loss and lead to a state similar to drunkenness or coma. that’s why they don’t regulate the sleep the body needs to recover. for example, ambien is also known as an amnesia drug due to the fact that it causes night terrors, hallucinations, sleep driving, and sleepwalking.

3. “Anti” drugs.

These include antispasmodics, antipsychotics, antihypertensives, antidepressants, antibiotics, antihistamines and others, affect levels of acetylcholine in the human body, the main neurotransmitter essential for learning and memory.

Low levels of acetylcholine in the body lead to blurred vision, hallucinations, mental confusion, delirium, dementia, memory loss, and other health problems. drugs that can block the effects of acetylcholine are known as anticholinergics. some of the most common side effects of anticholinergics are:

  • dry mouth
  • blurred vision
  • confusion
  • lightheartedness
  • loss of bladder control
  • constipation
  • difficulty passing urine

20 drugs that lead to memory loss

The former vice chairman of the department of psychiatry, richard c. mohs, made a list of 20 drugs, which lead to memory loss. here is the full list:

-antihistamines – dimethane, clistine, tavista, vistaril and benadryl.
-antidepressants – vivactil, elavil, anafranil, norpramin, pamelor, and surmontil.
-interferences –
-medicines for high blood pressure
-beta-blockers (particularly those used for glaucoma)
-benzodiazepines – ativan, dalmane, librium, klonopin, doral, versed, restoril, valium, and xanax.
-parkinson’s disease – scopolamine, glycopyrrolate, and atropine.
-antipsychotics – haldol and mellaril.
-barbiturates – amytal, seconal, phenobarbital, and nembutal.
-epilepsy – phenytoin and dilantin.
-chemotherapy drugs
-antibiotics (quinolones)
-painkillers -heroin, codeine, and morphine.
-sleeping pills -somata, lunesta, and ambien.

If you are taking any of these drugs, make sure you contact your doctor and discuss the possibility of them affecting your memory. you can always find something healthier.

Also, you need to take more dietary supplements, be more physically active, and include healthy foods in your diet, which is good for brain health.

Known over-the-counter medicines that lead to memory loss

You need to know that also some popular over-the-counter medications can lead to memory loss. they actually block the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
12 otc popular medicines that are anticholinergics:

– zantac (acid reflux)
– unisom (insomnia)
– tylenol pm (insomnia and pain)
– tagamet (acid reflux)
– sominex (insomnia)
– acido pepcid (acid reflux)
– nytol (insomnia)
– excedrin pm (insomnia and pain)
– dramamine (motion sickness)
– claritin (allergies)
– benadryl (allergies)
– advil pm (sleep and pain)
over the counter medicines like benadryl increase the risk of alzheimer’s, many studies have shown. so be careful what medicines you take and always consult a doctor!