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20 Best Marriage Tips Of All Time

20 Best Marriage Tips Of All Time

1. Take responsibility for your part in the marriage.

Always make sure to admit your responsibility whether it is something good or bad. Avoiding responsibility is very childish and you can only relate to your partner if you act like an adult.

2. Show affection for each other.

Physical touch releases more oxytocin in the body, which is a hormone that creates a stronger bond. So hold hands more often, hug, kiss or rub your partner’s shoulders. Try to add more length to the physical touch in order to get better results.

3. Agree to disagree.

You and your partner don’t always have to agree on everything. It is normal to have different opinions, but it is very important to accept your differences.

4. Do something sweet once in a while.

A gift doesn’t have to be expensive for it to be meaningful. It’s the thought that counts, so make sure you show your partner that you appreciate them. Even if it’s something small like a handwritten note that will brighten your partner’s day.

5. Women like to be heard.

You don’t always need to have a solution to your problem, sometimes just listening is enough. Give your partner space to reconnect with his desires for you and his commitment to your relationship.

6. Don’t try to change your partner.

Trying to change your spouse is the biggest waste of time and effort because the things you want to change in your spouse are the things you don’t like about yourself.

7. Recognize the problems you have and try to work to solve them together.

It can be anything from resentment, lack of conversation, or boredom in the bedroom. Try to treat these problems as something serious, because in the long run they can destroy your relationship.

8. Always communicate your feelings

When you are having an argument with your partner you need to avoid blaming, shaming, interrupting or needing to be right. Express your own opinions and don’t let your partner put words in your mouth. Open and honest communication is the key to a stronger and healthier relationship.

9. Share responsibilities with your partner.

If you want to have a stronger marriage, you need to share responsibilities with your partner. You will both have valid points and valid reasons for your feelings that you will need to discuss.

10. To be fair

Another very important thing that you should not forget is to be fair. Whether it’s sharing chores, expressing dissatisfaction, supporting each other, dealing with finances, you need to talk about how you can improve fairness in your relationship.

11. Bring fairness to the relationship.

Being married does not mean that you stop being in a relationship with your partner. This is a very important thing to know in order to be able to deal with other aspects of your life, such as children, career, personal issues, etc.

12. Treat your partner with kindness.

Try to make interactions with your partner as pleasant as possible by being kind, patient and friendly. In this way, you will encourage your partner to be the same with you, which will make your marriage blessed.

13. Don’t share thoughts, don’t share feelings.

When you share your feelings, always speak in the first person. For example, instead of telling your partner “You’re avoiding me,” tell them “I feel like you’re avoiding me.” This way, you express your feelings instead of your thoughts, which can open up a healthy discussion in order to resolve any problems between the two of you.

14. Appreciate your partner.

Your attention should be directed to both of you if you want to show your partner that you appreciate them.

15. Let your partner know how you feel about them.

Stop criticizing and blaming them and focus on the things you appreciate about your partner. Honestly express your feelings about them.

16. Make time for romance.

Another thing you shouldn’t stop doing after you get married is dating. Try to set aside a romantic evening just for the two of you to keep the magic alive.

17. Don’t just talk about stressful things together.

Try to spend at least 15 minutes every now and then to show each other how much you appreciate each other without discussing anything else.

18. Take care of yourselves so you can love your marriage.

If you are constantly working on yourselves, your marriage will never suffer.

19. Don’t blame your spouse for minor inconveniences.

Your spouse is a reflection of your personality. So if you are upset about something you see in them, make sure you are not to blame and try to solve the problem in order to make your relationship stronger.

20. Keep the marriage fresh.

Find time to have fun together more often and do something you both enjoy. It doesn’t have to be something extravagant. It can be as simple as cooking together, taking a walk in the park, or watching a movie.

Source:awesomequotes4u.com, yourtango.com