Home Life 15-year-old Boy Abandoned All To Take Care Of Mother “I Don’t Have...

15-year-old Boy Abandoned All To Take Care Of Mother “I Don’t Have Any Friends”

José, 15, had to take care of his sick mother. The teen abandoned the typical activities of that phase of his life and dedicated himself to the home.
The boy takes care of all domestic tasks and cares for his sick mother.

Fortunately, he received the necessary help and went to college to fulfill his dream of graduating as a lawyer.

The teen wakes up very early every day, washes his clothes, makes his meals, takes care of his mother’s hygiene, bathes her, and also studies at school.

In José’s poor home, conditions are precarious they have neither potable speech, and the bathroom has no water cistern, nor do they have doors so that they can maintain privacy and hygiene measures in the house.

The young boy lives with his family in a rural area of Matinhas, in Brazil, which makes access to hospitals and medical care very difficult, among other things.

The basic services offered are very poor.

José said in an interview: “What I really want is to get my mother out of here. It’s very isolated here and if she has health problems she can’t help,”

The boy’s dramatic situation was reported in the local media thanks to the action of volunteers who come to the region to offer help.

José’s mother, María das Neves, is very grateful for the love that her son gives her, she is still bedridden because of the complications of the diabetes she suffers.

María das Neves said: “If it weren’t for my son, I would have died, because I have no one to take care of me. I started to lose weight and lose body movements. I have no strength in my legs and arms. I can only eat with the help of my son José,”.

In the home of this modest family, they don’t receive any income, they only receive sickness benefits from Mariana da Silva, José’s sister, 16 years-old, who suffers from cardiac arrhythmia and diabetes.

In addition, the family is able to pay the expenses thanks to the donations they receive from institutions and volunteers.

Joseph loves his mother and sister, but he confesses that he feels sad because he has no friends.
José said: “I need to take care of them because they don’t have anyone. But I’m sad because I don’t have any friends, I don’t think they like it,”

Entrepreneur Rivanildo Atitude, who is an activist and collaborates with social causes, was the first to do something for José when he received a letter asking for his help.

Thanks to this gesture and the magic of the Internet, the family finally received help. People organized a fundraising campaign in which they raised more than $50,000 with those who bought a house.

They now finally have room for everyone. They are in a better place connected and with much more accessible medical services to ensure the health and well-being of all.

José won a scholarship to study law to accomplish what he wanted in life.

Source: valuablestories.com