Home News 14 dogs surrounded the young girl. She raised her hands to...

14 dogs surrounded the young girl. She raised her hands to the sky and something miraculous happened!

Because dogs and humans have similar cognitive abilities, we have been friends for a very long time.

Scientists have discovered one explanation for the mutual understanding between humans and dogs, which dates back more than 30,000 years: amazing resemblances exist between the human and dogs brains.

Similar to humans, dogs respond to emotions expressed through speech: The brain region responsible for this process is shared by humans and dogs, according to research.

This is how the odd relationship that forms between a little infant and some German shepherds is explained in the film.

The sweet video of the young child playing with the 14 dogs quickly gained popularity online.

The video you’ll find at the bottom of the article refutes the widely held belief that these dogs are aggressive and dangerous around children.

Back to the research, the results demonstrate that dogs’ affection for us is greater than their appetite; rather, they show concern for us for the same reasons that humans do, like relationships and social comfort.

American researchers at Emory University in Atlanta have previously demonstrated that dogs and humans share a brain region linked to happy emotions.

In fact, this study confirms what dog owners have known all along: that their dogs experience affection and love.

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