Home Life 13 ways every good man should treat his woman. No exceptions

13 ways every good man should treat his woman. No exceptions

Sometimes, it’s difficult to define a good man because we all appreciate different personality traits in people and we have different expectations. But, there are certain things that are generally accepted behaviors of men in a relationship. Good men do exist, and these are some of the things they do in a relationship.

1. He makes his woman feel beautiful, both inside and out

A good man will not just say to his woman that she is beautiful, but will also find ways to assure her of that. He will do that by the way he touches her, treats or looks at her. He will notice and acknowledge the effort she makes and will always remind her how beautiful she is even during her “bad” days.

2. He respect his woman

A woman should always be treated with respect. Under no circumstances should arguments escalate to a point where he’s attacking and bringing her down. These acts of disrespect lack respect and can easily turn into emotional and physical abuse. No matter where an argument takes him, he should practice self-control and openly communicate what’s bothering him. Give her the same respect he’d want in the relationship. If he’s doing anything that compromises that, there’s a problem.

3. He is supportive

A good man will always have his woman’s back when she is trying to achieve her goals, dreams or desires. He will be there to support her in her career choices and will also help her overcome any difficulties.

4. He works to gain her trust

He wants to make his woman comfortable and confident in a relationship by letting her know she can trust him. He tries hard to earn her trust, and will never do anything to betray her after she has gained confidence in him.

5. He keeps the spark alive

Don’t cut off the affection. Just because he has been together for awhile doesn’t mean the relationship romance should fizzle out—when it does, it can make a woman feel insecure about the relationship. If he feels like the spark is dwindling or simply want to keep the spark alive, do some of the things that made him happy when him first got together. Nothing’s wrong with regular ‘first date nights’ and making her feel special all over again.

6. He makes her feel safe

This does not mean he should act as a hero in any situation. Even though women can be very independent and strong, having a protective man besides her will make her even stronger and safer.

7. He never crosses the line

Disagreements and arguments are normal in every relationship, but as long as there is no abuse or insults. A good man will know what to say in an argument and will always be careful not to hurt his woman with his words.

8. He keeps his promises

Making promises is pointless if you don’t keep them, and every good man is aware of that. He will also open your eyes to see that people who don’t keep their promises are not worthy of your respect.

9. He remembers important dates

Even if she doesn’t say it, a woman loves when her man remembers the important dates: birthdays, anniversaries and milestones in the relationship. And don’t think she doesn’t notice when he doesn’t. Not only will it impress her when he remembers them, it will show her that he cares.

10. He is always honest

Honesty is extremely important foundation for a long-lasting and happy relationship. A good man knows this and will always be honest with his woman.

11. He always puts her first

He will never put her aside by being selfish or careless with his actions. It doesn’t mean he will kneel in front of her. He is already a strong man who appreciates himself enough and he has no problem being there for his partner.

12. He never lets her forget how much he loves her

A good man loves his woman and also lets her know how wanted and appreciates she is. Men are not that affectionate and communicative like women are, but that doesn’t mean he does not know how to express his love.

13. He does the little things

He will pay attention to the smallest details, and will always try to make his woman happy. He also wants to be there because that makes him the happiest man alive.

So, ladies, if your partner is trying to do any of the things we mentioned above, you can make sure he loves you with all his heart and always let him know that you appreciate his efforts by treating him the same way he treats you.